"When pigs could fly" is often an expression used to refer to something that will never happen. For example, I will give everyone on this blog a million dollars when pigs fly. You see, that just wouldn't happen. However, imagine a world where pigs could actually fly. Imagine if the expression actually came true how different our world would be.
Simply post your world where pigs could fly and enjoy the posts from your peers. Please don’t comment or respond to other posts at this time. Soak-in each post and relish them at face value. Remember to reach deep within your creative juices to paint a world that is uniquely your own...not just a variation of the obvious. Enjoy!
If pigs could fly things in our world now would be much different. For excample, because pigs are big enough that people can sit on them, they can be trained to fly to different destinations under the traniers command. Farms and other places that produce pigs would have to build extra protection on the site to prevent crashes and fecis from falling on people. Cars will be replaced by pigs,planes will be replaced by pigs, bascailly everything related to transportation will be replaced by pigs because if the pigs can fly and walk there is really no need for any sophistacated machines for you to move around.
However the only problem to that way of transportation is that unless the is some way to modify the pig in a way so than it can fly for so long without food i don't think pigs for transportaion will be a very good idea. People also cannot use the expression "when pigs can fly" to describe something that will never happen.
If pigs could fly it would be difficult to slaughter them and kill them. They could just fly away. There will need to be roofs on the fences of farms so that the pigs don't escape. If they escape that would be a problem, it might crash into a airplane, or hit a high building. Since pigs are heavier than birds it would do some damage.The problem with pig air planes is if the pig gets tired and falls down it's going to hurt. Also if pigs are going to fly through wind turbelence the pig would get blown away. There isn't too much oxygen up in the sky so you might have problems breathing. As well, how do you fly a pig? That's not really possible and only trained pigs could do it. So only rich people could afford flying pig for flying. Or what if the pig just died from lack of oxygen while flying, then you'd both hit the ground. Pigs need to eat and drink too. Another problem is what if you slip off your pig or fall off it. The Goverment would have to invent some kind air traffic for flying pigs or people could just fly in to each other at short notice. I don't think flying pigs is a reliable transportation. Flying pigs would be mayhem and chaos.
If pigs could fly, there would be many problems. One problem would be that pigs would probably crash into cars, planes, trains, and other forms of transportation because they won’t understand the traffic lights and would just fly all over the place and people could get hurt. Another problem would be killing them for food. The pigs would just fly up, up, and away from the farmers. This would result in farmers not being able to ship the pork to other places and people wouldn’t be able to buy and eat it. Some people might think “Oh, look at those flying pigs! Let’s go and train then and then they can carry us everywhere!” Those people might have not thought of some problems that come with riding flying pigs. First of all, how can people train those pigs to carry them to places? Second, what about all your extra weight on the pig? The pigs might be used to carrying their own weight into the air but what if, suddenly, WHAM! 160ish pounds landed on the pig? The pig would fall out of the sky for sure! Just think about it, forcing those poor pigs to carry heavy adults (no offense) places.
In conclusion, flying pigs would be a disaster. People would be unable to use the expression “When pigs could fly” because pigs CAN fly. Then, people would have to use something like “When watermelons could fly” or “When rabbits could fly”.
If pigs could fly suddenly today the pigs would probably be too dumb to know that they can fly away to freedom. It would take years for them to actually be able to fly because their genes tell them to stay on the ground and eat. Generations later when pigs can take off farmhouses that house pigs would need to be designed differently to stop pigs from flying away. I don't think people will want to sit on pigs because airplanes are much safer and faster. Maybe we will invent some sort of pig cart but I think people will only ride them for fun. They might invent a kind of food called pork wings though :)
If Pigs Could Fly September 14, 2010
September 14, 2010
Dear diary,
I wonder if pigs couldn’t fly! That would be crazy. Everything would be so much harder. I wouldn’t be able to eat those delicious pig wings they serve at KFP! Plus, what would carry our luggage? Planes? Ha! I’ll tell you, if pigs didn’t fly, it would be so squishy having to hold our own luggage. Pigs can easily carry them to and fro to our destination, with their amazing wing power similar to that of a pterodactyl! And if that weren’t enough, pigs are also used and hunted for their wings because it is very furry (unlike the rest of its body) and are perfect for coats. Pig wings are also very durable and are used for boots, hats, mitts and our balls. I can’t stand to think how un-bouncy the balls would be if they were made of something else. Flying pigs are also very common all over the world. They hibernate during the winter, too. Those are rough times for us-
Having to get by with the non-flying pigs. If there were no breed of flying pigs, life would be so much harder. Imagine if another planet only had non-flying pigs! Well, bye...
-Geeork Baj
(Sorry, the other one had a mistake.)
If pigs could fly, our world would be very different. First of all, farmers and pig owners would have a really hard and struggling time taking care of the pigs. The farmers would have to pay more money to buy special pig pens to make sure that the pigs would not escape away. I think that the meat of the pig would taste different because if I pig can fly, than it can exercise better and more than a regular pig. If that were to happen, than all the pigs would be skinnier and we humans would have less pork to eat, and that to me would be very unfortunate.
If pigs could fly, they might get in our ways. Flying pigs will be able to escape really easily and then will cause mayhem in our towns and cities. If a normal pig was to escape than it would be really easy to catch. If a flying pig was to escape then there would complications. It would be disastrous if the pigs escape to a crowed city. Because of all the buildings and the pigs hefty size the chances of it crashing and causing injuries is higher that a regular pigeon or seagull. There is also the possibly of the pig crashing into an aircraft which could be fatal to the pig. Also, can you imagine on of those pigs falling on you? Considering all these difficulties there would be fewer pigs alive.
If pigs could fly it could complicate our lives but not in the way it says above. For example if a parent said to a kid, “I’ll buy you a puppy when pigs fly.” Picture the surprise in the parent and child when pigs actually started flying. Because the parent wouldn’t want to cheat the child, they have no choice but to but him/her a puppy. Since a lot of people use that saying a lot of interesting things would happen.
In conclusion, if pigs could fly our lives would be extremely affected.
There were horses swimming in the sea, fish running through open plains, birds eating slop in a trough, and pigs, well pigs; they were in the air.
Not in planes; no, that would be too weird. They were flying with little pink wings and their little curly tails. But why did these pigs fly, were they up for a genetic testing and got away or were they just bred naturally in the wild.
I think these really weird animals should sit down! And let the birds fly instead.
0_0...oh yeah...you pigs can stop flying now...ok...YOU’RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!!!I SAID, “STOP FLYING!”
*stomps away in anger*
If pigs could fly. Hmm... I never really thought about that. Let's see... If a pig could fly, then many dreams would be fulfilled. Many wishes would be granted. But what about physical changes.
If pigs could fly, then there would be disposal of junk food flying from the sky, possibly landing on your head. Since poop would be found in pools, grass, on top of buildings and trees, there would be either a law to pick it up if you see it, or leave and leave pets like cats and dogs be.
Finally, if a pig could fly, the taste of a pig would become much better since the pig gets much more exercised. Not just the taste but the price would go up too. Let's say the price of pork is $10/per piece. With better tasting pork, there'd be worse tasting prices. Now the price of a pig is $20. Now imagine killing animal that can fly. You'd have sneak up on it. If you miss, it will be startled by the noise and fly away. If, however, it stays flying around you to tease you and say "Na na na boo boo, you can't catch me," it'll take much more skill to kill a pig in flight. If you somehow get a clear show, the pig will splat on the ground or you roof, its brothers will say "Bye bye, John" and you'd say "Bye bye hundred bucks." But the price doesn't stop at $100. Now imagine raising a pig that can just fly away when it feels you're not giving them enough cabbage. Imagine how hard it would be to get a pig. You've got $500 worth of pork and you only have 500mg.
I pigs are actually going to fly, get ready to say "Bye bye, clean environment" and "Bye bye, pork." On that happy message, I say “Bye bye.”
If only pigs could fly, what would happen? Seriously, what would happen. Maybe we could train them to fly us to places and reduce the amount of plolution. But if everyone had a pig to take them anywhere they wanted, what would happen to all the cars, trains and planes. Would they just get dumped in the garbage dumps and on top of all that,imagine all the pets stores selling flying pigs and pig food. Maybe they'll even sell cages for them. Why go through all that trouble and besides a pig can just fly away whenever it feels like it, like a bird. But if you lock it up in a cage all day,do you really think that it would fly you anywhere you want? But you can't really not put it in a cage because it'll fly away.
Even though there's a picture, it's still hard to imagine a pig with wings. If one day pigs really could fly, we probably wont have pork anymore and Mr.Lyons would owe us all a million dollars.
“Hey mom can I have a million dollars?”
“Ha when pigs fly! Now tell your father to slaughter that fat pig for dinner!”
(Kid leaves. Rushes back in.) “Mom the pigs flew away when I ran up to them!!!”
“Oh man” says the mom
If ever this came true all sorts of terrible things might happen. Like them crashing into airplane engines or them escaping farms. If they get caught in plane engines they will stop and the air plane might plummet hundreds of feet. And if pigs go on roads they could become road kill and cause major pile ups with much more impact than just a squirrel. If they escape from their farms many farmers could have to dish out lots of money for special covers for their pig pens. The pigs would also be harder to slaughter unless they were kept in cubicles and put to death as usual. Most satellite companies would also need to pig proof their devices. Another problem would be the excrement falling from the sky. If a bird has ever pooped on you beware: the pigs are coming!
If you were to fly a pig many things could go wrong too. Like where would you keep your luggage, your safety, and little oxygen? All of these things could happen if pigs could fly.
If pigs could fly, believe it or not, all our lives would change. Everyone might joke that it would be so amazing, I for one think differently.
Pigs. When I think about pigs, I immediately think, pork. Imagine all the pork you eat. From the simplest thing as pork with broccoli or to (my favourite) sweet and sour pork, pig meat is an important part of our lives. When I close my eyes and imagine a world with flying pigs,lets call it Pig World, all you favourite pork dishes would be gone. Like the chicken video we saw last week, we learned that a lot of the animals we eat grow in a factory. Like chickens, I suspect that pigs, since they are animals, grow and get raised in a factory. In the world where pigs fly, the factories who raise pigs would have a lot of trouble. When pigs are little, they are bigger than chickens and also they could fly, I see a problem. If you visit Pig World, and you decide to visit a pig farm/factory, the minute you enter, it would seem like a grade one class. Pigs would be flying everywhere and crashing into walls. No one would be able to catch and control them,(since their high up in the air). Of course they are young, for now, so they can do much damage. Say some how all the pigs grew up in to full 200 pounds pig. Now I see a BIG problem. If giant flying, 200 pounds pigs were flying everywhere in the factory crashing in to walls, there would be chaos. More importantly, there wouldn’t be as much cheap pork in the supermarket for our mothers to by for our dinner.
Now you see that raising pigs would be a big problem, how about outside in the big wide world? Every single day, where you wake up get ready and go to school to have to watch out for flying pigs and pig droppings. At night, your lying in your bed, listening to pigs snore in trees and you are prying that a pig wouldn’t fly in to your bedroom. A safety hazard.
Life would be more dangerous now that there are loose pigs in the air. Pilots would have to dodge pigs and birds while take off. Of course, this scary world with our affordable pork is horrible. The only reason that people would suffer like this in my head is because of all the parents who would just buy their kids a pet. Instead they just had to use an idiom.
This world would be real, when pigs fly.
If pigs could fly everything in the world would change such as transportation, food gathering, animal control, and hygiene problems. The reason transportation would change, is that instead of flying airplanes and burning gas. You could have an fully equipped pigs with food to feed the pig . You wouldn't need oxygen tanks because you can train to have the pig fly low enough to breath properly. The second important things is that since pigs could fly you would have a hard time bringing home the bacon. We would all have to figure out a way to clean up all the pig poop everyday and that would cost our government millions. Another problem is that there would be wild pigs everywhere eating stuff and stealing stuff. But there are some good things that come out of this the parents wouldn't have to buy there kids a real pet. They would just have to buy them a cheap pet pig and train it. The last problem is that if pigs could fly there would be no more airports, so whoever had a job that relates to an airport would lose their job! But there is a quick solution to this we could start having pigports that lets pigs park at them after a flight. There would be a lot more catastrophic problems than good things coming out of the deal if pigs could fly!
When pigs fly... Or rather if pigs could fly? Well then let's just say you're a normal, ordinary farmer in a normal, ordinary barn that sudden comes alive with flying pigs, deciding that they've had ENOUGH, and suddenly becoming a pack to save themselves from slaughter. Of course as it may be expected, around the world walking to work, without the slightest care in the world about winged pigs would look up, thinking about the weather, then sprint as fast as they could down the road, screaming at the top of their lungs, and showing a beautiful example for all the little kids walking with their mommys, who will soon be doing the same thing. But, of all the things you may think of... What about the pig? What does he/she think of all the fuss down on earth? What are the pigs going to do with their newly sprout wings? It's their wings, their decision! Because of this fact things could get a lot worse. Sooner or later people will surely start to find pigs trashing the garbage in search of food, or the more likely compost bins. Surely, people will soon be in great shock when they find pigs they have to shoo away in the kitchen after they fly in the carelessly opened windows. With wings, pigs will just get smarter and smarter after a good twenty years of experience. That is, if they survive the greatly increased amounts of animal control which will soon be hunting pigs. Or the many pig hunters. And once their populations increase and become too much of a problem to handle, military. In fact, these many pigs may grow so fat, if humans don't go to extremes, the falling of fat pigs who can no longer support their body weight may become a regular thing. And there is just so much more that could happen. That is, until humans fly...
If pigs could fly, the world would have a major change. For example, lets say your flying an airplane and all of a sudden, BOOM! A pig landed right on your front window. That would lead to you getting out of control and crash landing.
That was one of the bad things that would happen. The good things are that if pigs could fly, eveyone can ride on them like driving a car. You can train the pig and it will take you where ever you want to go. You can keep them as pets if you want, but then the supermarkets would have to make pig food and pig beds and alot of other pig stuff. However, if you do not train the pigs and just let them be, there will be alot of accidents like the plane one and many more. The pigs can even fly down your chimmney and eat all your food and trash your house.They would also make a big mess in your backyard by making mud baths everywhere and rolling around in them. The government would eventually have to debate on if they should keep the flying pigs around, or just cut their wings off so they can't fly any more,and if they should just kill them all.
The sky would look prety weird if pigs could fly. It's like, when you look up you see five pig bottoms up there and all of a sudden, PLOP! A pig just went pee pee and it landed on your face. That could be another problem.The world might just become polluted with pig poo and it would really stink.
Well, that was what the world would be like if pig COULD acctually fly but i hope that will never happen as in, "when pigs fly".
If pigs could fly there would be many disasters. Farmers would have trouble keeping them. The pigs would fly away from the farms. If pigs could fly people would have to worry about a pig crashing into them as soon as they go outside. Cities would be infested by pigs. The pigs would take over the skies, scaring all the birds away. Then instead of bird-watching we would have to go pig-watching! Cities would be covered in poop from the pigs and everyone would have to wear hats when they go out side. There would have to be machines on every road that keeps pigs away.
On the other hand..... If the pigs could be tamed they could be used as transpotation how ever there would have to be pig paths for pigs to use or else their would be many collisions. People who like hunting would have more things to hunt since the pigs are a nuisance and the government might order to hunt them. If the pigs could fly it means that they would get more excercise and our pork meat would be leaner and tastier. Also there would be a new piece of meat called a pig wing.
If pigs could fly, farmers would have a harder time raising pigs because pigs would have a easy time escaping. The farmer would need to chain his or her pig to keep it from just flying away.
Pigs would be useful for transportation. Instead of walking to school or having a ride from your parent, you could just ride a flying pig to school. Then you would lock your pig up like someone would lock up a bicycle. Workers who normally ride their bike to work may instead take a pig.
Because pigs would be in higher demand as transportation, the price of lard, bacon and pork would skyrocket. This would create more pig farmers to cash in on the popularity of pigs. Another effect would be pigs may wipe out the automobile industry as pigs are a superior form of transportation.
However, the environment around us would be a lot dirtier. As pigs poop as they fly, there would be pig droppings everywhere. For example, there might be a patch of pig poop next to the bird doo on your windshield. This could also spread disease.
Finally, the idiom “if pigs could fly” would be replaced by a new idiom such as “if cows could” or “if horses could fly.”
If pigs could fly everything would be very different. One very obvious thing is that there would often be poop flying down from the sky. So we would have to spend a lot of money buying umbrellas to protect our heads. it might also help those homless guys because they need SOMEONE to clean up all that and the homeless people need money so thats a job they could get and they dont even neeed to go to univerrsity for it.
pigs would also be goood for getting to diffferent places. you could use them for getting to work. sckool, or you could just ride them for the fun of it. you would also be hearing a lot of oinking around you.
as you know rain and water make mud!and pigs LOOVE it. so maybe after a rainy day and decide to go out you might see a pig rolling aroung on your lawn.
if you could make flying pigs cooperative they might even make a goood pet. you could teach them pets and treat them like a dog.
if you lived in a house with a beutiful lawn then probably u would see pigs eating ur flowers and ur vegetables in your backyard.
during hunting season hunters might hunt flying pigs tooo.
since pigs fly in the sky like amny other things there would be many pigs crashing into airplanes, helicopters, geese, seagulls and other aniomals that fly in the sky.
pigs eat almost anything, so if they get bored they might start nawing on a telephone wire and they'lll get shocked and then you'lll smelll the smelll of bbq for the rest of the day.
If pigs could fly...hmmm....well, first of all theres going to be alot of "HA they CAN fly! GIve me the million bucks!" and also, theres going to be 2 new kinds of WEATHER. "Good morning Toronto! Today is going to be a nice cool day in august, around 15 degrees celsius, with the exeption of feces and mud rain."
Oh the irony of it!
"And Next we have, finance. To you, Josh!
Josh:thanks, BOb!
Today we have millionares into banktrupcy and normal people turning homeless, as every bet with, 'when pigs fly' is to be fulfilled. There are millions of dollars lost just because someone made a bet! Back to you, Bob!
Bob: ALright, after these messeges, we are coming up with the latest scoop on when the flying pigs attack Mcdonalds!"
What the heck?
Now what about the Discovery channel!?
"Flying pigs, also known as Aviona sus scrofa domestica is widespread thorghout the country.
They fly to the north during the winter, even tough scientific studies show that it is actually colder up there, the pigs seems to believe its warmer."
Now the advertisments.
"Buy your own pig keeper today!
It will keep your flying pig from flying away, and its only 199.99!
Results may vary, additional costs included, we are not legally responsible if you die, get hurt, or your pig dies, or get hurt. Its your fault."
Now, on youtube.
"Description: Yo look i haz fund this flying pigo in my bakyard lolz!"
Totally messed up. What about the cartoons?
"Dora, look! We have to get past the flying pig nest! What do we do? Dora: i know, lets lure them out by singing!"
Finally, the comedy channel.
"hey, what do u call a laundromat for pigs? The hogwash! HA! Oh, and why did the 3 little pigs fall asleep whenever their grampa told them a story? Because he was a boar!"
HAHAHAHA just kidding.
ok, so u see how bad everything will be, but since im done my hamwork(heehee) im gonna go enjoy tv without flying pigs.
If so, thanksgiving dinner will have pigs instead of turkey. And for the people who still want bacon, put some food into a greenhouse, and all the pigs will fly in. Leave them for a day, and poof! Instant bacon for everyone! Eat the fried wings first. This will be the main way to cook pigs.
Second, it would still be the cold war, because everyone would ride flying pigs, and the pigs would either die of hunger, or be crushed by the army's weight.
Third, the most costly thing at McDonald's would be the Angus Burger w' bacon and cheese. The second most? Bacon cheeseburger, because bacon comes from (flying) pigs.
Fourth, everyone will fight to have the flying pig as their national animal.
Fifth, the term "raining cats and dogs" will be "raining pork and ham".
Last, there will be an occasional downpour of pigs (hit by airplanes) and poop (from the pigs).
Now to you, Big Mama, speak so I can leave and watch Harry Potter movies. PIGLESS! 8D XD
I was snuggled in my quilt as I thought of my homework assignment "Flying pigs".I was so tired that I felt to sleep.
There were pink objects flying objects flying everywhere in the air. I looked closer, and i couldn't believe my eyes. They were flying pigs! What??? Pigs can fly??? It's impossible! I walked deeper into the forest, I was shocked to see birds were swimming in the rivers and Hippos were climbing the tree! Suddenly, I heard an elephant screaming for help. I turned around and saw a little mouse was swallowing a giant elephant. I was so scared that I ran away as fast as I can. Pow!!! I bumped into something. I looked up, it was a dog standing on its hind legs and holding a leash with his paw. As my eyes followed its metal leash to the other end, I saw a man. OMG!!! A dog was walking a man! What on earth is going on?
No!!! I was panic, I don't want to live in a disordered world like this!!! I cried and cried until i woke up. I was sweating. Finally, I'm clear that was just a dream. Thank God, I'm so happy that the pigs can never fly and the world is not crazy.
For goodness sake! Pigs aren't going to let you ride, tame, and treat them like luggage carriers. Pigs don't crash into buildings and cars at random!
yo, seven, read my post if you want to eat pork with flying pigs.
If pigs could fly the world would be very different. There would be pigs everywhere. Pigs in the sky, pigs on your rooftops. People could keep pigs as pets. Imagine riding a pig to school everyday. Pigs would become a main form of transportation. Cars, trucks, and planes would stop being used. Pollution would decrease! People could possibly train pigs to deliver, mail, packages or other items. Wouldn't they be really useful in jobs? The only problem would be if people started abusing pigs.
I think pigs would start to build nests to live in. They would probably live in trees or rooftops.
Pigs could have races and marathons. Pigs could be included in circus acts. They could perform flying stunts.
Pigs would be harder to kill. They would probably escape from farms. Pork would be rare and therefore expensive. Just like chicken winks there would be pork wings.
Did you ever think about the birds. What if they didn't like pigs crowding in to the skies? The pigs and the birds would be enemies. There would be aerial battles between them. When we looked in the sky instead of seeing graceful birds we would see pink lumps with wings. I can't imagine a world where pigs could fly....
hahaha four
or, Chuck Norris can get them for us.
the governemnt would deal with them
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