Post your directions for how to build a campfire here. Remember to make it your own, and to not just copy the directions from the text. Let the creative juices flow. Due: Wednesday, November 17 @3:30pm
Have you ever tasted roast marshmallows and wanted to make them yourself? Well here's how to make a fire to roast your mashmallows on. First, find a sheltered site where there is no wind or your fire will blow out. Also make sure there are no trees hanging over your site and scrape the ground clean so your fire won't burn things you don't want it to burn.To start, you must gather some tinder. Tinder is something that will light easily like paper and dry pine needles. I reccomend to use pine needles because they look really cool when you light it. After that arrange the tinder in the middle of the area you cleared off. Then arrange some thin sticks around your tinder like a cone (tepee), you could also arrange the sticks with one on top of another (log cabin) but tepee is easier to light because of gaps inbetween the sticks. Now, here's the fun part, light the tinder with a match or anything that will set it on fire. Wait a while and then slowly add large pieces of wood. After your fire is large enough you can roast marshmallows on it.☻☻☻☻☻☻☻
Volume one: How to light a fire You are stranded in the woods, freezing cold and desperate. Have no fear-here's how to make a great crackling fire! Number one, find a place that is dry and no pesky branches in the way, and wind is not good either. Setting is everything.Second, gather some tinder for the fire to burn, like dried leaves, pine needles, twigs, bark, etc. Then, put all of that in the very spot you picked. After you have your tinder in a satisfactory spot,take a few (DRY!) Branches and twigs.make sure they aren't too small, but also not too big to take out the fire.Arrange them in a sort of cone-like fashion. Okay, we're almost there... take a match and set fire to the inside of the cone. Whoopee, you've got a great fire burning! However, now you must feed it restlessly with pieces of bark and any other thing the fire can feed on. You've got warmth, now.... the rest comes in volume two!
Ah, out in the wilderness with your family and friends, getting dark and need a fire? Well, let's get started. You got to find a place that's nice and still, with out any wind. Make sure that there is nothing on top of the fire site. Next,you just scrape away the dry grass, leaves and twigs on the ground so your fire can burn on bare earth. Go on a treasure hunt for some pine cones, dry grass, leaves, any thing of that nature and place them in the middle of your fire site. Make a sort of tepee shape around the tinder with twigs about the size of a pencil. And now, guess what? You get to light the tinder with some matches! As your fire burns up, add bigger pieces of tree bark and twigs so your fire will burn longer. Wow, now that you have a great fire, why not roast marshmallows, sing campfire songs or tell ghost stories all night by your nice warm fire!?
Find a nice wind-less waterless place. Scrape away dirt, grass, leaves etc from the ground you want to use. Make sure there are no branches to close to your campfire. Get some tinder or anything that will catch fire easily. Put the tinder in the middle of the cleared area. Put some branches about the size of a pencil like a tepee around the tinder. Finally light the tinder with a match. Now you have a fire. Now to continue the fire, as the flames build up slowly add big pieces of wood.
Ever find yourself in a situation where you have to light a fire but you don’t know how to? Don’t worry because once you read this you will be able to light one like pro! First, pick a sheltered place out of the wind. Make sure no branches hang above your site, too. Scrape away any dry grass, leaves of twigs. That way the fire will burn on bare earth. The next step is to gather some tinder. Pinecones, dead grass, dried leaves, pieces of bark or anything that can be caught on fire easily can be used. Then, place your tinder in the center of your cleared area. After, assemble some branches about the size of a pencil around your tinder in a tepee formation. Next, light your tinder with a match in several places. Finally, as the flames start to build up, slowly start adding larger pieces. Tada! You now have your very own homemade campfire!
First of all choose your campfire site. Pick someplace dry, sheltered, and out of the wind. The Cut away any unnessary branches that hang over the site. If thoose branches chach on fire when you don't want them to, they can be a big problem! Clean up your site so the fire will be on bare ground. Gather your fuel for the fire,anything that can burn easily can work, like tinder or dry leaves. Then neatly place your fuel/tinder in the middle of the site and get some branches and arrange them into a tepee like formation over the fuel/tinder. Start the fire with a match and as the flames get larger, add more branches.
First, before you do anYthing else, you have to find the perfect fire site. Remember that is has to be sheltered and wout of the wind. Next, look around and see if there are any low branches around you. If there are any, then you have to cut them off or they may catch on fire. Scrape away things like dry grass, leaves, and twigs so your fire can burn on bare earth instead of things that can spread the fire easily. Then you have to gather some tinder. Anything like dry leaves, pine cones, dead grass, or peices of bark (like birch bark)can be used and will catch fire easily, which is why you have to clear away other grasses, bark, and leaves. After that, place the tinder you collected in the middle of the area you cleared before and then arrange some thin branches or twigs, about the size of a pencil around the tinder like a teepee(cone shape). Then carefully light the tinder with a match. Careful! As the flames slowly start to get bigger, add bigger sticks and logs. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE MADE YOUR VERY OWN CAMPFIRE!
Hi Guys! I'm a campfire and today I am going to teach you how to make me!
First choose a sheltered area to work in, move all low-hanging branches away, and scrape the dirt where you are lighting me clean. Next you need to collect tinder; tinder is anything that will light easily like paper of dry leaves and put it in the centre of the cleared out land. Then you get some thin twigs and arrange them in a circle around the tinder like a teepee. Now...LIGHT THE TINDER!!! Slowly add bigger logs and branches as I grow stronger. Nice job!
Before you can do anything crazy... I'm going to teach you how to NOT destroy your very relaxing trip in the wilderness. You see a very important lesson in the wilderness could be… ahhh… starting a fire.
HOW TO START A FIRE… Fire is a very unique in a sense, it is very hot too! Therefore a good place must be chosen. The awesome place recommended is a sheltered place where wind can’t get through. Secondly, make sure there are no dangling tree branches swinging from left to right and right to left. The next step can be, scraping the random things on the floor like the leaves so your fire will burn on bare earth. Next, gather some tinder or any thing that will catch fire easily. After, place the tinder in the middle of the cleared area. Now, take the things you got that catch fire easily and make a tepee sort of thing around the tinder. Then, light the tinder with the match in several places. Finally, add larger pieces of wood as the flames build up. GOOD LUCK! P.S: Be careful!
“Are you a first time camper? Well have we got a treat for you! Introducing the campfire manual! First pick a location which is protected from wind and has no branches dangling above it. Next clear the area of any things that can spread the fire. Now collect tinder- any thing that can be burned. Place it in the clearing and make a tepee out of sticks above it. Make sure all of this is dry! Now you must light the tinder in several places. Once the fire is burning add some larger pieces of wood to build the fire. There you have it! A campfire, and make sure you have a bucket of sand or water to put it out once you are done.”
You have been dumped into the middle of a great forest. The pickup that dumped you here has screeched off into the night. You are all alone. You reach into your pocket finding only a pack of matches. You are hungry and cold and decide to light a fire. That of course,is no problem as you have memorized these steps for lighting a fire. It as not as easy as it looks. Before you begin, pick a place that is protected from the winds and doesnt have any branches dangling around. You should probably make yourself comfortable as you may be spending the rest of your life-I mean couple of days there. Next, brush away any dried grass and twigs because you want your fire to be burning on earth. After,gather tinder or any dry burnable objects. Next, you must light your tinder in sevral places. Then, add more and more wood to your fire to keep it going. Who knows you might survive with fire on your side... I mean this will deffinetly keep you alive!
You are of the Titanic and are on a great forest. You are all alone with, not even, Yoshi to play with. You quickly figure out that I fire must be lit. All you have is branches and the island at your disposal. But you have no idea how to light a fire. Suddenly, you hear a strange voice in your head. It says...
A fire? Come on, a fire? You don't know how to light a fire? Easy, I'll walk you through it. Firstly, we are going to need easily burnable objects. Just collect as much as possible. Next is kind of tricky. Find a spot with trees surrounding you to prevent wind. Now put the flammable objects in the center of your shelter. After that, arrange some branches a watchma-thing order... You know, the one you see on TV... around the flammable objects. Remember to scrape away the dry grass, leaves, and twigs, so your fire will burn on dead earth. Make sure no branches hang over the fire! Okay, now your gonna need to light the fire... here's a match. *A match appears right in front of you* "How did you--" If you wanna survive, quit blabbing! Okay, light the fire. Excellent! Now all you do is tend the fire. Add larger pieces of wood so the fire gets bigger and bigger! Okay, bye!
"Great now all I gotta do is get some food!" Did someone call for a food guide? "No, I don't want a guide." Your loss.
have you ever been camping in the wood with no instruction manual on how to start fire? have no fear, with these quick and easy camp song, you will never forget. (Note, i am not a musician, so don't blame me if your don't think it is a work of art.) here we go! tune to isy bisty spider. Remember when starting a fire, pick a good safe place, wind's NO NO same for branches too. no hanging over your fire place, your ready to start building your fi-re. scrape off the twig, leaves so your fire will burn on bare earth. then gather some dry twig, bark will do-o too-o. place the materials you found in the mid-dle. the next step is to arrange small branches around to form a teepee shape. finally for the fire, light the wood with a match in several places. as the flames grow, contine adding woooooodddd! now you know a terrible campfire song.
my last one is just for fun. this is my other one. when making a campfire this is what you must do. before you begin, you must choose a sheltered place out of the wind. remember, a good place is everything. next, make sure that there are no tree branches are handing over the fire site. after, scrape away the dry grass, leaves and twigs, so that your fire will burn on bare earth. now, you must gather so tinder. that's dry branches, or anything that can be used that will catch fire easily. place the material you gathered in the center area. then arrange some branches about the size of a pencil lilk a teepee around the tinder. finally, on to the burning part. light the tinder in several places with a match. now you done. the only thing left to do is to feed the fire larger and larger pieces of wood at a time.
Your are on a camping trip and you want to roast marshmallows but you have no idea how to start a fire. Simply follow these steps and you will be on your way to being a master fire maker and have level 99 fire-making in Runescape! First look for a sheltered area from wind you won't want the wind to be blowing out your fire! After look above to see if there are any branches above. If there is you can simply relocate, this is a simple safety procedure you wouldn't want to be setting fire to the entire forest. Now you wipe any dried leaves, grass, and twigs away so you just light on pure earth. This again is a safety procedure, because if the fire lights on a single dried leaf you can set fire to the entire forest. Next you gather the starter for your fire, tinder, anything that will catch fire very easily. I personally recommend Birch bark this sometimes can even be lit when wet! Now also gather branches the size of a pencil and make a tepee around the tinder in the clearing you set up. Now you light the tinder in several places and your fire should start. As your fire builds up add bigger branches. Now you can enjoy your fire with marshmallows!
When you're standed in the wild without any food, the first thing you should do is startt a fire. First, find a shelterd place with no wind. Next, make sure no tree branches are hanging over the fire site. Also be sure to scarpe away and debre and that your fire could burn on the ground. After you do that, gather some thinder or anything that will catch fire easily like pine cones, dead grass and leaves. When you have the things you need, put the tinder in the middle of the fire site. Next, arrange some branches (the size of a pencil) likea tepee around the tinder. Then light your fire. As the fire builds up, slowly add some larger pieces of wood
your camping and your mouth is going mad for marsh mallows. do not be afraid, you will learn the amazing magic of lighting a fire! First you have to find a place on the ground that's out of the wind. Also make sure that no tree branches are in the way of your site. Next you set off on an adventure for things to help a fire burn easily such as tinder, dead grass, dry leaves, or any pieces of bark. Now youre going to take a journey all the way back to your campsite. When you get back there, scrape all the useless things on the ground away, like dry grass leaves and twigs so that you'll be able to let your fire burn on bare ground. After that take your tinder and place it right in the middle of the cleared area. Now get some of your branches and twigs about the size of a pencil. Arrange them into a miniture teepee around the tinder. this is the part that will be fun. Get a match, and start lighting the tinder in all the different places. As the flames get bigger and bigger add larger pieces of wood slowly into the fire. Now the fire is ready and your marsh mallows will be delicious and roasted!
Are you ready? It's time for extreme super-fire tutorial. Prepare for a magical expericance. Simply find a nice sheltered place, calm and out of the wind. You have to be careful, so that no trees or brances hang over the site. Start to gently scrape away any dry grass,leaves and twigs you see. A great fire should burn on bare earth. Next is the fun part. Gather anything that will catch on fire easily like pinecones,dead grass,leaves,and twigs. This shall be your tinder. If you like to build, this next part will be great. Using branches that are about the size of a pencil, make a tepee around the tinder. Now you can finally start lighting the beautiful fire in several places with a match. As the flames start to build up, slowly add larger pieces of wood. This concludes our tutorial. Enjoy those marshmallows folks!
Boy, I thought it was a joke when Mr.Lyons told us we might need to build a campfire someday! How was I to know I'd get lost in a forest a year from then? Well, here I am now, wanting to warm up. I have my communicating skills book here, and it says something about making campfires. First, I need to find a sheltered place out of the wind. Easy! Hmm... now I need to make sure no tree branches hang over the fire site... That'll take foreverr! I'll just skip it. Well now it says I need to scrape away the dry grass, leaves and twigs on this place. My fire has to burn on bare earth? Too bad. I'm skipping this too. Now... tinder( pine cones, dead grass, dried leaves or pieces of bark... big fires give lots of warmth right? And big fires need a lot of fuel right? Then I have a lot of tinder gathering to do. K, wait, I have to put this stuff in the middle of this area? I bet the last person who listened to this junk finished the fire at age 60! Anyways, dumping it here's not going to do me any harm... Branches the size of pencils must be put like a tepee around tinder. What's a tepee? Pee... must have something to do with a bathroom... Oh well, just going to leave it here. Light the tinder in several places with a match, then as the flames build up, slowly add larger pieces of wood. THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS BOOK!(throws in fire and stomps) well it's instructions are done anyways. I'm going to light the entire thing whole!(Lights fire, you hear a boom) Uh-oh... Are fires supposed to be this huge? What did I wrong? Oh dear, I'd better run...(runs) Wait a minute... This looks like my backyard... Oh god!
Your stuck out in the woods, your cold you need to lit a fire... but how?. Well if you want to know you have come to the right place. First of you should find a nice place were it is dry and is not very windy. Also, you should make sure there are no trees or branches over your site. Next, scrape away all twigs and leaves... tiring. After that you must find and collect tinder. Tinder? What's that? Well tinder is dead grass,dried leaves, or pieces of bark. You then find branches and put it around the tinder. Then you just light the tinder and VOILA! You have successfully created your very on fire... Were's the marshmallows?
Today, I’ve came to teach you how to build campfires for roasting your marshmallows! I know this might sound kinda weird but it was Mr. Lyon’s idea with this whole marshmallow thing. Before even thinking of building a fire, choose a nice, dry spot avoiding the wind so it won’t blow your fire out after you spent all that effort. And don’t forget to make sure that no tree branches and things of that nature even near your campsite...boring. Anyway... next, use your majestic hand and scrape all the dry grass, leaves, twigs and other dirty stuff so that your lovely fire will burn on the hard ground. I feel sorry for the ground... Now tinder. Gather some stuff that will catch on fire like pine cones, dried leaves, tree bark... things like that. Take all that tinder and place it right in the core of the cleared area that you spent hours on. Now my favourite part... the TEPEE! I like it because it’s a funny word to say and it’s not boring like the others. Anyways, let’s not get off topic. Arrange some branches that you find about the size of a big is a pencil??? I’ll just skip the pencil part. Where was I? Oh yah, use those branches and build a tepee around your tinder. And the most obvious point...lit the tinder with matches that pop out of nowhere!!! By the way,remember to add more wood as the fire builds up so it can keep you nice and warm. I hope I saved you...did I?
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Have you ever tasted roast marshmallows and wanted to make them yourself? Well here's how to make a fire to roast your mashmallows on. First, find a sheltered site where there is no wind or your fire will blow out. Also make sure there are no trees hanging over your site and scrape the ground clean so your fire won't burn things you don't want it to burn.To start, you must gather some tinder. Tinder is something that will light easily like paper and dry pine needles. I reccomend to use pine needles because they look really cool when you light it. After that arrange the tinder in the middle of the area you cleared off. Then arrange some thin sticks around your tinder like a cone (tepee), you could also arrange the sticks with one on top of another (log cabin) but tepee is easier to light because of gaps inbetween the sticks. Now, here's the fun part, light the tinder with a match or anything that will set it on fire. Wait a while and then slowly add large pieces of wood. After your fire is large enough you can roast marshmallows on it.☻☻☻☻☻☻☻
Volume one: How to light a fire
You are stranded in the woods, freezing cold and desperate. Have no fear-here's how to make a great crackling fire! Number one, find a place that is dry and no pesky branches in the way, and wind is not good either. Setting is everything.Second, gather some tinder for the fire to burn, like dried leaves, pine needles, twigs, bark, etc. Then, put all of that in the very spot you picked. After you have your tinder in a satisfactory spot,take a few (DRY!) Branches and twigs.make sure they aren't too small, but also not too big to take out the fire.Arrange them in a sort of cone-like fashion. Okay, we're almost there... take a match and set fire to the inside of the cone. Whoopee, you've got a great fire burning! However, now you must feed it restlessly with pieces of bark and any other thing the fire can feed on. You've got warmth, now.... the rest comes in volume two!
Ah, out in the wilderness with your family and friends, getting dark and need a fire? Well, let's get started. You got to find a place that's nice and still, with out any wind. Make sure that there is nothing on top of the fire site. Next,you just scrape away the dry grass, leaves and twigs on the ground so your fire can burn on bare earth. Go on a treasure hunt for some pine cones, dry grass, leaves, any thing of that nature and place them in the middle of your fire site. Make a sort of tepee shape around the tinder with twigs about the size of a pencil. And now, guess what? You get to light the tinder with some matches! As your fire burns up, add bigger pieces of tree bark and twigs so your fire will burn longer. Wow, now that you have a great fire, why not roast marshmallows, sing campfire songs or tell ghost stories all night by your nice warm fire!?
Find a nice wind-less waterless place. Scrape away dirt, grass, leaves etc from the ground you want to use. Make sure there are no branches to close to your campfire. Get some tinder or anything that will catch fire easily. Put the tinder in the middle of the cleared area. Put some branches about the size of a pencil like a tepee around the tinder. Finally light the tinder with a match. Now you have a fire. Now to continue the fire, as the flames build up slowly add big pieces of wood.
Ever find yourself in a situation where you have to light a fire but you don’t know how to? Don’t worry because once you read this you will be able to light one like pro! First, pick a sheltered place out of the wind. Make sure no branches hang above your site, too. Scrape away any dry grass, leaves of twigs. That way the fire will burn on bare earth. The next step is to gather some tinder. Pinecones, dead grass, dried leaves, pieces of bark or anything that can be caught on fire easily can be used. Then, place your tinder in the center of your cleared area. After, assemble some branches about the size of a pencil around your tinder in a tepee formation. Next, light your tinder with a match in several places. Finally, as the flames start to build up, slowly start adding larger pieces. Tada! You now have your very own homemade campfire!
Chapter one.
How to build a campfire
First of all choose your campfire site. Pick someplace dry, sheltered, and out of the wind. The Cut away any unnessary branches that hang over the site. If thoose branches chach on fire when you don't want them to, they can be a big problem! Clean up your site so the fire will be on bare ground. Gather your fuel for the fire,anything that can burn easily can work, like tinder or dry leaves. Then neatly place your fuel/tinder in the middle of the site and get some branches and arrange them into a tepee like formation over the fuel/tinder. Start the fire with a match and as the flames get larger, add more branches.
First, before you do anYthing else, you have to find the perfect fire site. Remember that is has to be sheltered and wout of the wind. Next, look around and see if there are any low branches around you. If there are any, then you have to cut them off or they may catch on fire. Scrape away things like dry grass, leaves, and twigs so your fire can burn on bare earth instead of things that can spread the fire easily. Then you have to gather some tinder. Anything like dry leaves, pine cones, dead grass, or peices of bark (like birch bark)can be used and will catch fire easily, which is why you have to clear away other grasses, bark, and leaves. After that, place the tinder you collected in the middle of the area you cleared before and then arrange some thin branches or twigs, about the size of a pencil around the tinder like a teepee(cone shape). Then carefully light the tinder with a match. Careful! As the flames slowly start to get bigger, add bigger sticks and logs.
Hi Guys! I'm a campfire and today I am going to teach you how to make me!
First choose a sheltered area to work in, move all low-hanging branches away, and scrape the dirt where you are lighting me clean. Next you need to collect tinder; tinder is anything that will light easily like paper of dry leaves and put it in the centre of the cleared out land. Then you get some thin twigs and arrange them in a circle around the tinder like a teepee. Now...LIGHT THE TINDER!!! Slowly add bigger logs and branches as I grow stronger. Nice job!
Before you can do anything crazy... I'm going to teach you how to NOT destroy your very relaxing trip in the wilderness. You see a very important lesson in the wilderness could be… ahhh… starting a fire.
Fire is a very unique in a sense, it is very hot too! Therefore a good place must be chosen. The awesome place recommended is a sheltered place where wind can’t get through. Secondly, make sure there are no dangling tree branches swinging from left to right and right to left. The next step can be, scraping the random things on the floor like the leaves so your fire will burn on bare earth. Next, gather some tinder or any thing that will catch fire easily. After, place the tinder in the middle of the cleared area. Now, take the things you got that catch fire easily and make a tepee sort of thing around the tinder. Then, light the tinder with the match in several places. Finally, add larger pieces of wood as the flames build up.
P.S: Be careful!
“Are you a first time camper? Well have we got a treat for you! Introducing the campfire manual! First pick a location which is protected from wind and has no branches dangling above it. Next clear the area of any things that can spread the fire. Now collect tinder- any thing that can be burned. Place it in the clearing and make a tepee out of sticks above it. Make sure all of this is dry! Now you must light the tinder in several places. Once the fire is burning add some larger pieces of wood to build the fire. There you have it! A campfire, and make sure you have a bucket of sand or water to put it out once you are done.”
You have been dumped into the middle of a great forest. The pickup that dumped you here has screeched off into the night. You are all alone. You reach into your pocket finding only a pack of matches. You are hungry and cold and decide to light a fire. That of course,is no problem as you have memorized these steps for lighting a fire.
It as not as easy as it looks. Before you begin, pick a place that is protected from the winds and doesnt have any branches dangling around. You should probably make yourself comfortable as you may be spending the rest of your life-I mean couple of days there. Next, brush away any dried grass and twigs because you want your fire to be burning on earth. After,gather tinder or any dry burnable objects. Next, you must light your tinder in sevral places. Then, add more and more wood to your fire to keep it going. Who knows you might survive with fire on your side... I mean this will deffinetly keep you alive!
You are of the Titanic and are on a great forest. You are all alone with, not even, Yoshi to play with. You quickly figure out that I fire must be lit. All you have is branches and the island at your disposal. But you have no idea how to light a fire. Suddenly, you hear a strange voice in your head. It says...
A fire? Come on, a fire? You don't know how to light a fire? Easy, I'll walk you through it.
Firstly, we are going to need easily burnable objects. Just collect as much as possible.
Next is kind of tricky. Find a spot with trees surrounding you to prevent wind.
Now put the flammable objects in the center of your shelter.
After that, arrange some branches a watchma-thing order... You know, the one you see on TV... around the flammable objects.
Remember to scrape away the dry grass, leaves, and twigs, so your fire will burn on dead earth.
Make sure no branches hang over the fire!
Okay, now your gonna need to light the fire... here's a match.
*A match appears right in front of you*
"How did you--"
If you wanna survive, quit blabbing!
Okay, light the fire. Excellent!
Now all you do is tend the fire. Add larger pieces of wood so the fire gets bigger and bigger! Okay, bye!
"Great now all I gotta do is get some food!"
Did someone call for a food guide?
"No, I don't want a guide."
Your loss.
You die hours later.
have you ever been camping in the wood with no instruction manual on how to start fire? have no fear, with these quick and easy camp song, you will never forget. (Note, i am not a musician, so don't blame me if your don't think it is a work of art.) here we go! tune to isy bisty spider.
Remember when starting a fire, pick a good safe place, wind's NO NO same for branches too. no hanging over your fire place, your ready to start building your fi-re. scrape off the twig, leaves so your fire will burn on bare earth. then gather some dry twig, bark will do-o too-o. place the materials you found in the mid-dle. the next step is to arrange small branches around to form a teepee shape. finally for the fire, light the wood with a match in several places. as the flames grow, contine adding woooooodddd!
now you know a terrible campfire song.
my last one is just for fun. this is my other one.
when making a campfire this is what you must do. before you begin, you must choose a sheltered place out of the wind. remember, a good place is everything. next, make sure that there are no tree branches are handing over the fire site. after, scrape away the dry grass, leaves and twigs, so that your fire will burn on bare earth. now, you must gather so tinder. that's dry branches, or anything that can be used that will catch fire easily. place the material you gathered in the center area. then arrange some branches about the size of a pencil lilk a teepee around the tinder. finally, on to the burning part. light the tinder in several places with a match. now you done. the only thing left to do is to feed the fire larger and larger pieces of wood at a time.
sorry, i spelled like wrong.
How to start a fire
Your are on a camping trip and you want to roast marshmallows but you have no idea how to start a fire. Simply follow these steps and you will be on your way to being a master fire maker and have level 99 fire-making in Runescape! First look for a sheltered area from wind you won't want the wind to be blowing out your fire!
After look above to see if there are any branches above. If there is you can simply relocate, this is a simple safety procedure you wouldn't want to be setting fire to the entire forest. Now you wipe any dried leaves, grass, and twigs away so you just light on pure earth. This again is a safety procedure, because if the fire lights on a single dried leaf you can set fire to the entire forest. Next you gather the starter for your fire, tinder, anything that will catch fire very easily. I personally recommend Birch bark this sometimes can even be lit when wet! Now also gather branches the size of a pencil and make a tepee around the tinder
in the clearing you set up. Now you light the tinder in several places and your fire should start. As your fire builds up add bigger branches. Now you can enjoy your fire with marshmallows!
Survival Guide
When you're standed in the wild without any food, the first thing you should do is startt a fire.
First, find a shelterd place with no wind. Next, make sure no tree branches are hanging over the fire site. Also be sure to scarpe away and debre and that your fire could burn on the ground. After you do that, gather some thinder or anything that will catch fire easily like pine cones, dead grass and leaves. When you have the things you need, put the tinder in the middle of the fire site. Next, arrange some branches (the size of a pencil) likea tepee around the tinder. Then light your fire. As the fire builds up, slowly add some larger pieces of wood
your camping and your mouth is going mad for marsh mallows. do not be afraid, you will learn the amazing magic of lighting a fire! First you have to find a place on the ground that's out of the wind. Also make sure that no tree branches are in the way of your site. Next you set off on an adventure for things to help a fire burn easily such as tinder, dead grass, dry leaves, or any pieces of bark. Now youre going to take a journey all the way back to your campsite. When you get back there, scrape all the useless things on the ground away, like dry grass leaves and twigs so that you'll be able to let your fire burn on bare ground. After that take your tinder and place it right in the middle of the cleared area. Now get some of your branches and twigs about the size of a pencil. Arrange them into a miniture teepee around the tinder. this is the part that will be fun. Get a match, and start lighting the tinder in all the different places. As the flames get bigger and bigger add larger pieces of wood slowly into the fire. Now the fire is ready and your marsh mallows will be delicious and roasted!
Are you ready? It's time for extreme super-fire tutorial. Prepare for a magical expericance. Simply find a nice sheltered place, calm and out of the wind. You have to be careful, so that no trees or brances hang over the site. Start to gently scrape away any dry grass,leaves and twigs you see. A great fire should burn on bare earth. Next is the fun part. Gather anything that will catch on fire easily like pinecones,dead grass,leaves,and twigs. This shall be your tinder. If you like to build, this next part will be great. Using branches that are about the size of a pencil, make a tepee around the tinder. Now you can finally start lighting the beautiful fire in several places with a match. As the flames start to build up, slowly add larger pieces of wood. This concludes our tutorial. Enjoy those marshmallows folks!
Boy, I thought it was a joke when Mr.Lyons told us we might need to build a campfire someday! How was I to know I'd get lost in a forest a year from then? Well, here I am now, wanting to warm up. I have my communicating skills book here, and it says something about making campfires. First, I need to find a sheltered place out of the wind. Easy! Hmm... now I need to make sure no tree branches hang over the fire site... That'll take foreverr! I'll just skip it. Well now it says I need to scrape away the dry grass, leaves and twigs on this place. My fire has to burn on bare earth? Too bad. I'm skipping this too. Now... tinder( pine cones, dead grass, dried leaves or pieces of bark... big fires give lots of warmth right? And big fires need a lot of fuel right? Then I have a lot of tinder gathering to do. K, wait, I have to put this stuff in the middle of this area? I bet the last person who listened to this junk finished the fire at age 60! Anyways, dumping it here's not going to do me any harm...
Branches the size of pencils must be put like a tepee around tinder. What's a tepee? Pee... must have something to do with a bathroom... Oh well, just going to leave it here. Light the tinder in several places with a match, then as the flames build up, slowly add larger pieces of wood.
THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS BOOK!(throws in fire and stomps) well it's instructions are done anyways. I'm going to light the entire thing whole!(Lights fire, you hear a boom) Uh-oh... Are fires supposed to be this huge? What did I wrong? Oh dear, I'd better run...(runs) Wait a minute... This looks like my backyard... Oh god!
Your stuck out in the woods, your cold you need to lit a fire... but how?. Well if you want to know you have come to the right place. First of you should find a nice place were it is dry and is not very windy. Also, you should make sure there are no trees or branches over your site. Next, scrape away all twigs and leaves... tiring. After that you must find and collect tinder. Tinder? What's that? Well tinder is dead grass,dried leaves, or pieces of bark. You then find branches and put it around the tinder. Then you just light the tinder and VOILA! You have successfully created your very on fire... Were's the marshmallows?
Today, I’ve came to teach you how to build campfires for roasting your marshmallows! I know this might sound kinda weird but it was Mr. Lyon’s idea with this whole marshmallow thing.
Before even thinking of building a fire, choose a nice, dry spot avoiding the wind so it won’t blow your fire out after you spent all that effort. And don’t forget to make sure that no tree branches and things of that nature even near your campsite...boring. Anyway... next, use your majestic hand and scrape all the dry grass, leaves, twigs and other dirty stuff so that your lovely fire will burn on the hard ground. I feel sorry for the ground... Now tinder. Gather some stuff that will catch on fire like pine cones, dried leaves, tree bark... things like that. Take all that tinder and place it right in the core of the cleared area that you spent hours on. Now my favourite part... the TEPEE! I like it because it’s a funny word to say and it’s not boring like the others. Anyways, let’s not get off topic. Arrange some branches that you find about the size of a big is a pencil??? I’ll just skip the pencil part. Where was I? Oh yah, use those branches and build a tepee around your tinder. And the most obvious point...lit the tinder with matches that pop out of nowhere!!! By the way,remember to add more wood as the fire builds up so it can keep you nice and warm. I hope I saved you...did I?
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