Thursday, September 30, 2010

Carbon Copy

Thursday, September 30, 2010
We’ve recently seen how difficult it can be to make critical decisions while working within a group. Often, someone is left to compromise what they want for the betterment of the group goal. Essentially, our group work has shown us that micro-managing (Small scale – group work) can be just as difficult as macro-managing (Large scale – Society you created that governs thousands of citizens). However, what if you had the power, outside of the nine (9) elements of our project, to significantly change who lives in your society?

We are all uniquely different; we think differently, make decisions differently, and look differently. But imagine a world where everyone was exactly the same (Carbon Copy anyone?). Would Dr. Kaftka’s dream of a conflict-free world become a reality? Maybe it's not the rules we decide upon, but the people who follow them that make all the difference.

What do you think? Would a society of ‘sameness’ (where everyone is the same) be better than our own? Please choose a side of your choice and defend your position. Let's not be the pink elephant on the fence - you have to be either pro-sameness, or pro-diversity. Dig deep.

Post is due by Thursday, October 7 @11:59pm


21 said...

I think pro diversity. I think so because if everyone was the same, true, war wouldn't happen but life would be boring. There would be no purpose for advertising certain objects that only certain people would like. If you liked the item, everone would since your the same. You could say, what is your opinion, the awnser "same as you". There would be no, figure out what personality you are, it's the same as everyones, boring. If you hand in work, though there will be no arguing on what they do, everyones project will be the same. Why not just give everone A+'s. There will not be anything unique or special. There would not be any, "how was school today" or "how was your day". Also if everyone is the same, there won't be any people better than others, like no major league baseball or fifa world cups, it would all be tied up.

J. Lyons said...

21 - I appreciate the flavour of your post. You bring up some great ideas that I've yet to consider - especially the advertising point. You paint a bleak outlook for those who might consider joining the 'pro sameness' team.

That said, you also make a very powerful claim near the bottom of your post - "...there won't be any people better than others". It made me think about my position on this topic carefully. That's a pretty massive statement that I believe represents a lot of conflict in our world. Well said.

Fourteen said...

Sameness is better defined as being unsure and afraid because it is fear that compels people to run to sameness. In a stereotypical high school many people would rather blend in with the background and be the same than be unique and spontaneous. If we can overcome our fear for individuality and become our own person, life as we know it now will be more fun, livelier.

Ahmed Ga'al said...

I think pro diversity. If you think that sameness will stop war... THEN YOU ARE WRONG. People go to war over many things. For example you want natural resources, if every leader was the same than if one wanted oil than the others would want oil and sometimes they would all think war and all the countries in the world would go to war. Therefore the war's would be bigger and bloodier.
I am an avid sports fan and I wouldn't mind giving up Saturday night hockey to stop war... But sameness, it wouldn't stop war so what is the point of sameness. To sum it all up if we had sameness we would have boring lives tied up hockey games and on top of that bigger wars. Therefore pro diversity is better.

Anonymous said...

i agree with 3

Ethan Jiang said...

Bob:Everything was EXACTLY the SAME....
Yeah, that would be pretty good!
EVERYONE is smart(i hope)
EVERYONE wants peace(Hopefully)
EVERYONE is nice(ehhhhh)
EVERYONE wants to save nature(....)
If EVERYONE is the same, there will be no war, because EVERYTHING is the same! If we all started out with lots of oil, for example, since EVERYONE is the SAME, Nobody will be WANTING.
EVERYONE IS THE SAME. If one doesnt wants anything, then others can't want it, too!
If EVERYONE was nice, then there would be no problems!
If EVERYONE wants peace, then there would be no war!
If EVERYONE wants to conserve nature, think about it! It would be GREAT!
Rick: We get the point, bob!
Bob:one more!
Rick: fine...
Rick: What the heck?

Eight said...

I think pro-diversity. If everyone were the same, there would be no conflicts, no racial discrimination, and no war. If everyone made the same decisions, there would be no reason to argue.
However, if everyone were like me, everyone would be too awesome, and we can't have that because that's not right. Everyone would be just as fast and there would be no reason to race. If everyone were so smart, why bother giving you tests, when you know which mark everyone will get. There would be no reason to compete, no way of figuring out who's the best. If everyone were like me, everyone would be the best.
In conclusion, although sameness would result in terminating racial discrimination and conflicts, a life with sameness is pointless, too boring to live.

Megan said...

Sameness is absolutely pointless. All people would still have different emotions and different choices. All people will eventually change because of the things they do, the people they trust, the way they dress, will change them all. It would be pointless.

Anonymous said...

I think pro-diversity because if it was sameness there would really be no point to do anything. When everyone is the same we are all have the same IQ level, fitness, hair etc. Also if everyone was the same we would all be super good at all skills so then we don't need anyone to work for you, then there would serious economic issues since no one wants to buy others products. After that no one would have any money to buy food or water so everyone would starve to death then the human race would cease to exist!
After all that the earth is empty and then aliens would rule the Earth!

twenty-four said...

Sameness. It is not possible to get everyone to think the same so even if they look alike they will still think differently. Some people will learn faster than others some will have different opinions even with the same IQ.So having everyone look the same and have the same level of intelligence wont help us with problems like war.For example someone might like the colour red and someone else like the colour blue,they still have the same IQ but like different things. So in the end I think a pro diversity world would be better,it would be much simpler because you can then easily tell one persone from another.

Anonymous said...

Sameness is very boring and stupid. Imagine everyone looks the same and everyone says the same things... then what is the point of life? It is just like you being a copy-cat. Ohh! Then it it just feel like everyone copy each other and getting the same mark! If everyone was the same, no one would be unique and special in their own ways.Everyone could guess what you are going to say or do. If all of us look the same how would we know who she or he is? Or if the person is a he or a she?How would our parents know if we are their child? Then all of the relationships will all go away. When the teacher asks what did you do on the weekends or what are you wearing? what would you say, everyone is the same.Right... how about our jobs... who will be the teacher and who would be the student will all get mix up. Wow! Now you see sameness is just pointless.

One said...

SAMANTHA:hey i love your out fit!!
CRISTINA:OMG THANKS yours too it looks like mine!
BOB:hey hannah your mom called.
if we had sameness what would happen
We could only can learn at the same pace although many people have way advanced brain power
Why compete if you all are the same who cares in the end
If your mom and you were the same who would be sending who to thier room

four said...


Anonymous said...

i vote for pro-diversity. this is because being the would not solve anything. in fact, i think that there would be more wars in a world that is sameness. for example, if everyone is the same, people will have the same skills so their would be fighting for that job. all the other important roles in the community would be gone because no one qualifies. the community would be chaotic. if everyone was the same, no one would have the rights to be come prime minister. you would be just the same as them.
being the same wouldn't solve anything.

Anonymous said...

sorry there should be the word same between the and would in my first sentence.

fifteen said...

Imagine, being forced to be the same as others. Why should we? We weren't designed to be the same, we weren't born to be the same, and, more importantly, we're NOT the same. Physically, emotionally, mentally. Therefore, why should we live somewhere that forces us to BE THE SAME? Why is diversity a bad thing? Sure, it can be confusing, but really. What would you do if I said, "Everybody in this room must now have grey clothing, hair up to your ears, and you can not mention any differences."? I expect for you to be PRETTY mad at me. It's our differences, our personalities, that shape us, form us into something truly ourselves. DIFFERENCE HAS POWER. Difference is eternal. And why should we do anything to try to change that?

Sorry I made this post late.

Sandhiya said...

If we were all the same nothing would be interesting. There would be no surprises. You'd always know what to do. No one would feel proud for having talents. In fact, talents wouldn't really exit. Everyone could only do the same things. Some people wouldn't be able to achieve their full potential. There wouldn't really be a point of all the different subjects in school because everyone would know what they were doing. How would you feel if you had to wear the same clothes as everyone else. Same style. It would be pretty boring. People would like to feel unique. For example if you got a really good grade, you wouldn't care beacause everyone got it. If you got a bad grade, you wouldn't feel bad beacause everyone would get the same thing. Everyone could just get one report card.

five said...

If everything was the same, it would be really boring. Everyone would know, do and think the same things. You wouldn't care which shop you shopped in because every shop would have the same things at the same price. There wouldn't be superstars because everyone would sound the same. But difference is good. If things were all the same, it would be a totally different world. We should value the fact that we're all different and difference has done a lot for us.

DayzeeFLWR said...

if everything was the same everthing would be reeeelly boring. nobody would be unique or anything like that. but if everyone were the same no one could tease you about wut your wearing because they would be wearing the same thing. everyone would also have the same IQ which means no one could be better than anyone and n o on e could be considered dumb. everyone would do the same thing as everyone else . also if everyone is the same you might confuse some people with other people becaus everyone looks the same

Thirteen said...

I think that if everyone was the ame then many things that people could enjoy could not enjoy thoose things anymore. Even though it MIGHT prevent fights and arguement it will still prevent the fun of being different and will prevent people from reconizeing someone from someone else. Imagine you have to do exactaly the same thing for a year, then the next year you have to do it all over again! Eveyones life will be the same and there will be no use of stories.

twentytwo said...

Sameness is NOOB!!

First off even if everyone was the same their way of thinking would be different and two people could be completely opposite, one evil, one anti-evil. This is also defined in the giver just like Jonas was a great swimmer be Asher sunk. Also, as seen from science experiments if a sheep was cloned the original one would go wandering around and start eating grass if placed in a field but the clone would just stand there doing nothing. So even if everyone was the same, there would still be crimes.

Second if sameness existed there would be no individuality. Many conversations would cease to exist such as talking about clothes. Now I will give you an example of a conversation. Without sameness: Bob: Hi bobby Bobby: So did you see the guy who robbed the bank last night? Bob: Yeah, I think he had a moustache and was wearing a red shirt with the words "I am Noob" on it. Bobby: you actually saw the guy? Bob: Yeah Bobby: Dude we should tell the police! See, with sameness this interesting conversation would not exist and the bank robber would not have been identified.

Anonymous said...

I defenetly choose Pro - diversity. I like being different. I bet everyone would. No one likes being the same as everyone else. If you were in a croud and everyone had black hair but you had blonde hair, you would be different. You would feel special and not the same as everyone else. That's probably why our world is like how it is today.

There would be no piont of anything if everyone was the same. All the same choices, same hair, maybe even the same voice. How boring would that be?

Anonymous said...

If everyone was the same, you might mistake your enimy for your friend because we're all THE SAME! You might not even have friends or enimies because everyone acts the same, and you don't know which one to choose from.

Ten said...

I SO choose pro-diversity. I really don't wnat everyone to look the same. Even though it wouldn't be the same like twins, everyone would have the same colour hair and eyes. That means, everyday, we would see everyone with, for example, brown hair and blue eyes. Wouldn't that be boring? Also, if everone did the same things, or acted the same, no one would be the person who always got in trouble, or the person that always got good marks! And who would be the one that always stood out? Nothing would be interesting and unique, and everything would be dull and boring. So.....GO PRO-DIVERSITY!!!

ninteen said...

I vote for pro-diversity because if everyone were the same, nothing will be unique in their own way. Everything will be the same both physically and mentally. You can’t identify one person from the other because everyone will look the same; your hair, skin, eyes, and even body shape will be the same. Your parents will have no difference compared to your siblings and your friends will have no difference from your enemy. Plus , mentally meaning everyone having the same opinion. In a way, it could actually be helpful but if you think deeper, everyone will have the same idea for example : everyone choosing to live in a cardboard box .Everything will be abnormal and it will be a very confusing world to live in. There will be no point in learning because everyone knows the same thing and no one can teach you something you don’t know. In addition, many things will be missing in our lives for example: competing. You may think that’s not a big deal but that’s part of how we learn. Since learning isn’t important anymore, competing won’t exist. You couldn’t care less, right? Well let me get this straight- video games would be super boring or might not even exist because there won’t be a goal. That means living in a world of sameness isn’t just confusing, it will be boring.

eleven said...

I would absolutely hate a world where everyone was the same. What is the point of living if you are living the same life as everyone else? i would hate it if i couldn't think for myself and blurt out what was on my mind. I believe that everyone should b unique and different. This is one of the things that makes our world work the way it does today. i love being different. i make me feel special. It would be torture if I had to have everything the same as everyone else. It just wouldn't be right!

P.S. sorry for the late comment :P

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