Monday, September 6, 2010

Head Count

Monday, September 6, 2010
Welcome to our temporary academic work environment. Please read the site purpose carefully and reply within this thread. Ensure you've changed your profile name to reflect your assigned number before publishing. Your post should be a fruity alliteration of your favourite fruit. Example - Magnificent Mango.

Due: Friday, September 10 (@11:59pm)


J. Lyons said...

Precocious peach

Fourteen said...

Mystifying Melon

Megan said...


Stupendous Starfruit

One said...

Looney Lime

eleven said...

Playful Pineapple

five said...

wonderus watermelon

Ten said...

Magical Mongoosteen

twenty-four said...

Bouncy Banana

Anonymous said...

sectacular strawberry

Eight said...

Orange Orange

Ethan Jiang said...

Laudible Lime

four said...

awsome apricot

21 said...

Majestic Mango

Anonymous said...

Perfect Pineapple

twentytwo said...

Brilliant Bayberry

Thirteen said...

Angry Apple

ninteen said...

Cool Cherry

Anonymous said...

precious pomegranate

fifteen said...

Delirious Dragonfruit

Anonymous said...

wise watermelon

twentytwo said...

sorry i accidently typed ten as my username

Brilliant Bayberry

Ahmed Ga'al said...

stupendous strawberry

Anonymous said...

bubbly banana

DayzeeFLWR said...

watery watermelonn

Sandhiya said...

beautiful blueberry

twenty said...

trusty tomatos

21 said...

super strawberries

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