Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shark Tales?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Post the second draft of your 'Shark Enemies' paragraph from CS Unit #6 here. Ensure you've added clear and energetic details to enhance the information provided in the text. Rock it out in shark style!
Post is due: Thursday, October 28 @11:59pm


fifteen said...

Enemies of Sharks
You all probably think I’m all tough and scary, but even I, the carnivorous shark, have enemies. Hard to believe? Well, bigger sharks might just eat me right up! I’m also terribly afraid of porpoises. You might think I’m a wimp, but alone, they’re not the least bit frightening-but as a pack, they can ram me to death! Parasites and diseases can also kill me. I might have thousands of those organisms on my fins, tails, nose, eyes and gills. (Shudder!) Also, this might be embarrassing but… those tiny little porcupine fish can kill me by blowing up and spiking me from the inside out! My last enemy may be surprising. You humans are one of my biggest enemies-you can be my doom! You kill millions of us every year with fishing nets, eating me, etc. These are all of my biggest enemies-Bigger sharks, groups of porpoises, parasites, porcupine fish and you people. See? I’m not so tough after all!

Thirteen said...

The animals that are very dangerous to sharks are Groups of porpoises, parasites, other LARGER sharks, pourcupine fish and humans. Porpoises can just beat up a big shark untill is can no longer breathe anymore. Parasites also get thier way inside the shark and the shark will get infected and die. Porcupine fish will puff up indise of the shark when it gets eaten and will spear it from the inside out,(inagine having spears speared at you from inside!. Other larger sharks will also eat smaller ones when they are hungry. Obviously, humans can kill sharks with guns, harpoons, nets, etc. Humans are already killing sharks with thier pollution too!

Ten said...

Although sharks don't have many enemies, there are some animals that can hunt and even KILL them! For example, Porcupine Fish can blow up inside a shark and its spines can dig inside a shark's mouth and choke it. A group of porpoises could beat a shark to death by ramming into a shark's body and damage its fins so it's unable to breathe. Parasites ,which are organisms that live on larger organisms and feed on them, could kill a shark by giving it a dieasease. A shark could have THOUSANDS of parasites living on its fins, tail, nose, gills, and even its EYES! Even bigger sharks could gobble up a smaller shark if it's hungry! However, the most dangerous enemy of a shark are people/humans. Humans kill MILLIONS of sharkes each year with harpoons, guns and pollution. So, even the mighty sharks have something to look out for!

21 said...

Although sharks do not have many enemies, there are a few animals that can hunt and even kill them. It’s obviously not very easy to kill/eat a shark. The predator could be bigger, like bigger sharks eat smaller sharks. Or in teams a shark could be taken down, with groups of porpoises who sometimes ram into the sharks body. Porcupine fish who have sharp quills will blow itself up in a shark’s body, usually killing or at least injuring it. Parasites kill sharks by slowly eating a shark’s body. The thing that kills the most sharks is humans. We kill them with global warming, nets, ships ramming into a sharks body etc.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am Angel from Seneca Hill P.S. I am researching about sharks for my project. i just found out the shark have enemies! One of their enemies is them self! big sharks sometimes eat little sharks. did you know that there is a fish called porcupine fish that can blow up like a balloon and kill a shark when swallowed. from the inside out. also parasites that are living on the shark feed on them. a shark carries diseases that can harm and kill them. the most shocking news is that we, people are the most dangerous enemy to the shark. we put nets in the sea to catch fish and sharks can get tangled in them. overall, i found out that something so big and scary like a shark can be kill by some small things.

Sandhiya said...

You think sharks rule the ocean? You think nothing kills them? You're wrong. In fact, big sharks will gobble small sharks up. Porpoises aren't so sweet either. One group of little porpoises can ram into a huge shark and beat it's gills until it can't breathe. Viscious! Porcupine fish are deathly too. Once inside a shark, they will blow up and dig their spines into the shark's throat. Hovever, most sharks die because of humans. Yes, you! Humans don't intentionally kill sharks, but by pollution, nets,ships,etc. Lastly, the horrible flesh eating parasites. They can be everywhere on a shark's body and spread diseases making them sick and dead. I hope this paragraph shows you the gruesome world under the sea.

eleven said...

We look at sharks as might creatures who rule the sea. You think nothing seems to kill them. Think again. Bigger sharks can always kill smaller sharks for food. Never thought of it that way, right? Another enemy would be the porcupine fish. If swallowed, they will blow up and the spine on them will dig into the shark and suffocate it. You wouldn’t think that a cute little porpoises would kill sharks, but they do. Groups of them will beat a shark to death by ramming into its body. This can damage the sharks’ gills and prevent the shark from breathing. Parasites are tiny little killer of sharks. They are organisms that live on larger organisms and feed off them. A shark can have thousands of these suckers on its’ fins, tail, nose, gills and eyes. The funny thing is, we the sharks most dangerous enemy! We kill millions of sharks a year. Sharks are not as tough as you think!

Anonymous said...

Althogh sharks do not have may enimies, there are a few animals that can hunt and even kill them. First, some of the more tough and bigger sharks can eat most of the puny sharks that are less powerful. Aporcupine fish, if a shark eats it, can blow up in the shark's mounth. The spines will dig into the shark's mouth and choke it. A group of porpoises might beat a shark te death by ramming into it. It damages the shark's grills so it can't breath. Parasites that live on the shark's fins, tail, nose, gills, and eyes feed on the sharks. And most of all, the most dangerous enemy are us! We humans hunt sharks and kill millions of sharks every year. Scary...

Megan said...

All of you think of me as mighty and fearless but there are things that can kill me like porcupine fish. They blow up inside my mouth and can choke me. Groups of porpoises aren't so nice to me either. They either beat me to death of damage my gills so I can't breathe.Tiny as they are, parasite can also take me down. People are also a big factor in my death. They kill millions of my kind every year with polution, and nets used to catch fish. Last but not least is bigger sharks. Sometimes they will eat smaller sharks like me. Yuck! Cannibalism!

twentytwo said...

Did you know that sharks have natural enemies? Well they, do, if you didn't know you're a noob. One of the main reasons sharks die is because of parasites. Parasites stick to a shark's body and eat them alive! Also, porcupine fish can kill sharks too. They swim into a shark's mouth and then puff up. Their spine kill the shark and they feed on the shark's carcass. If, a shark is noob enough to attack a porpoises. They will ram into the shark and beat it up. Pro sharks will eat noob sharks if they are very hungry, which is pretty much all the time. Finally, we kill the most sharks. Many sharks get caught in fishing nets and also get killed by pollution. Which means we kill the most sharks. I hope this changed how you look at sharks. But don't think they're weak either. They are still pro enough to kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DayzeeFLWR said...

Although sharks don’t have many enemies, there are a few animals that can hunt and even kill them. One of them are just bigger sharks, because sometimes they just happen to eat smaller sharks. Groups of porpoises beat a shark to death by crashing into its body. Doing that usually damages their gills so that stops the shark from being able to breathe so it dies. Another enemy is a porcupine fish because when a shark eats one, the blow up into a big ball that has very pointy spines attached to it which chokes the shark to death. Those teeny, tiny parasites actually are also a big problem for the sharks. Organisms that live on larger ones feed on them. A shark could have thousands of parasites living on their fins, nose, tail, gills, and eyes. But their most dangerous enemies are humans. We kill millions of sharks every year. The pollution that we make can also kill many of them.

Fourteen said...

I'm a porcupine fish, you see and I'm telling you now that I'm not very big but you should still be afraid of me because I can kill a shark by having it eat me, then I will puff up and my spikes will suffocate it. I know many other creatures that can also kill sharks, like porpoises. They aren't detrimental when not in a pack but together they can ram the shark to death. Another shark killer are other sharks, bigger sharks will eat smaller sharks because they can't tell one species from another. There are also many deadly diseases all over a shark's huge body which if deadly enough could cause disease and ultimately...death. The last and most damaging to sharks is...HUMANS!! You humans, not that I'm complaining, kill sharks with your fishing nets and for their meat. Is shark meat even yummy? Anyways, now you see sharks do have enemies...-gets eaten by shark- AW MAN!!!!

One said...

So are sharks fearless or do they have enimies? Well of course the second one! One of them is the porcupine fish. It blows up inside the sharks’ throat and suffocates it. Another surprising killer-porpoises. When in a group porpoises will ram into the sharks body and damage its gills to protect each other. Shark eats shark? Weird but true larger sharks will eat small sharks if they must because of lack of food. Puny but deadly-parasites will live in a sharks eyes, mouth, gills, fins, and tail. These creatures will gnaw at the shark and can result in death…for the shark. Well you want to know the #1 killer? Humans they strangle any sea creature with fishing nets and have you seen pollution they put in the water? Well I hope you see that sharks aren’t the only killers of the sea.

Ahmed Ga'al said...

You may thinks sharks rule the ocean... Well they don't. In fact sharks have many predators. Porpoises may be weak, but they work together and outsmart sharks. Also, bigger sharks eat smaller sharks. One fish that sharks probably would like to avoid are porcupine fish. Once they are in a sharks jaws they blow up large spikes. Vicious! Sharks are so big that parasites can thrive in a sharks vast body. Last, but not least humans are the number one killer when it comes to sharks. Whether it is pollution or nets, we humans kill the most sharks. Well i hoped you enjoyed this talk about sharks... Don't kill sharks.

Anonymous said...

Some Enemies of Sharks

You might think sharks(!me!) are the most awesome creature in the sea, but I can get killed as well! You see, bigger sharks can eat smaller sharks like me.Now, here is the problem, thousand and thousands of these mini creatures live on me.Parasites;They can kill me! Surprising to know they can disease me and let me die! Another one is in a pack, they even look scary,porpoises, they will ram me to death. Ahhhhhh!!! OK,here is one that hurts, porcupine fish.Let's be honest now.I am really careless and i eat everything, sometimes by MISTAKE I eat those little nut shells. When I gulp down, it spread its sharp spikes and the sharp blades dig into my throat and I die eventually. Now the person who is writing this story about me is one of the people that is killing me.They make a big mess with polluting and fishers also kill me because they want to catch some fish and i get tangled up in there. Right have you been following the news? THe oil spill is another one that is killing me! Don't let me suffer like that. Please help me.

Anonymous said...

Though sharks are ferocious animals, there are still a few tricky shark hunters on the loose. firstly, their fellow sharks. Although this is not a common situation, larger sharks do eat smaller sharks. Then the more dangerous shark predators. Porcupine fish are vicious, letting sharks eat them, then blowing up like a balloon in the sharks' body, and using its' razor sharp spikes to injure, and eventually killing the shark. The many groups of porpoises in the water are known to recklessly ram into sharks, hurting them, and often damaging the gills, making it impossible for the shark to breathe. Lastly, parasites- which are organisms that live on larger organisms and feed on them. A shark may have hundreds of thousands of parasite, on their fins, gills, tail, nose, and even on their eyes. But the most dangerous predator to sharks is... humans! In fact, you may even have killed a shark. Whether its pollution, garbage, or hunting that kills them, millions of sharks every year die because of humans. Are you one of those shark hunters?

four said...

There has been, is, and always will be enemies of the shark. One example is another shark, who may eat another shark that is either younger or smaller. For example, the Sand-tiger shark eats its own siblings before they are born! Another threat is a porcupine fish. They will get “eaten”, then puff up, which the spikes and new size of the fish will suffocate the shark. The most surprising thing may be a group of porpoises. They will ram the shark to death, or attack the gills so the shark can’t breathe. Then, there may be parasites on the shark. These small cells live and feed on a larger substance, like maybe a shark. There may be parasites on various body parts. Though this may be, the most dangerous enemy is a human! We have various weapons and are making a big mess of pollution.

ninteen said...

Though sharks are vicious creatures that don’t have many enemies, they still aren’t the safest creatures. One of a shark’s enemies is another shark, especially if you’re a small one. You are wandering around and all of the sudden; your brother comes and eats you up. Though that situation isn’t very likely, it still happens. Porpoises are also a shark’s enemy. Let me get this straight, porpoises DON’T eat sharks. They attack as a group to protect themselves. One can ram into a shark and cause it pain. Porcupine fish aren’t gentle either. If a shark accidentally has one of those as supper, the chance of a shark living is not too high. A porcupine fish will blow itself up which makes the spines choke the shark and damage the gills. Eventually, the shark will die. Parasites and disease aren’t friends either. They will cause the shark to be sick and possibly die. But their worst enemy is…us, humans. We pollute the homes of the sharks. Sharks can get tangled in the nets thrown by fisherman and the sharks will starve. In addition, we ourselves directly kill millions of sharks each year. That’s the reason why sharks hate us so much

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