Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Poetry Portal?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Since we're working on sculpting our own poetry anthologies, it's time to start formally sharing our masterpieces. Post what you believe to be your top three (3) poems.  Feel free to provide constructive feedback to your fellow poets once you've posted.  There is no maximum limit to the number of poems you can post - so use those around you to help strengthen your work.

Due date: Friday, November 26 @11:59pm 


fifteen said...

I walk along the business
Dodging people and signs
Trains and cars roar and screech,
Racing along the asphalt road
Monsters of buildings
Spew grey smoke across the sky.
People hurry along, minding their own things
Never looking or stopping.
But amidst the people of grey and blank
Is a little girl,
Skipping and humming along, taking her time
a bounce to her step.
She smiles and waves to me,
Her wild red hair also grinning with pride.

(Hope you liked it, maybe you can help me a little with the title?)

I scream, trying to run
but the darkness engulfs me
as black as the unending, lurching abyss
of fear and confusion

This monstrous beast
Has five heads.
Though it has no eyes or teeth,
they have strong, hard helmets.
They grip, hold and dance
and come in pairs.

(For reasons of not wanting to give anything away, I didn't put on the title at the front-Hands.)

21 said...


Teddy bears are soft
They are balls of cuddly fluff
They just want a hug

Oxford is awesome
Some movies have been filmed there


Not comfortable
Not really bouncy
It’s not a perfect ball of fluff

Note: these are my second best poems of each category,not best.

Ten said...


I was once with my friends,
When I saw a giant bug.
I asked, "What's that?"
And they asked, "What's what?"
But then
They saw
The Bug.
We screamed,
Then we ran.
(Some people should know what happened here...)


SLLUURRRPP! Goes the straw,
Making that hollow noise,
As I painfully try,
To get the final drops of milkshake.
(Not really sure about this one...)


In the begining,
When I am jist new,
I am long, sharp and pointy,
Much to the delight of you.

I am used by you,
Almost every single day,
At home, in school, and...
Sometimes even in play.

But, slowly, my tip grows dull,
Short, and very small.
I help you everyday,
But recive no thanks AT ALL!

But then you put me in a hole,
And quickly turn the crank.
I feel new, fresh and young,
So it is you I need to thank!
(I know it's easy, but please don't post the answer.)
I'll probably post more later...

21 said...

Expand poem

As I stand by the tracks
I hear the warmth of the comforting sound of the train
Cutting through the dead silence of the
Deathly blank night
^This was the expand poem

Not sure what kind of poem this was called again

Urn of


Softball can be fun
It’s a really fun sport
Though it’s dangerous

21 said...

Urn of

Apparently cuddly has two d's. The cuddly poem was kind of random. So please don't comment about that one.

Ten said...

Yay! More poems!

Do you know what I hear,
Every single day?
They are going to pay!

But, it's not really all their fault,
I'm partly to blame too.
I make the noise when my buttons are pushed,
So sorry for blaming you.

I'm used to go places,
On the Internet.
Push me around and click,
To navigate, it's easy I bet!

I have a "tail" and buttons too,
I click instead of squeak.
But you should really know,
That my namesake is small and meek.


There was once a girl who liked pie,
And she ate it with jam on rye.
The pie was tired of this,
Gave the girl a kiss,
And then rolled out the door and said bye.

There was a girl who liked jam,
The problem was that she liked to eat it with ham.
She was angry so she crached a cart,
But it was because her boyfriend broke her heart,
So instead she ate a ram.

The was once a girl who liked honey,
But, she had no money.
So she got a hat,
And traded it for a cat,
But in the end got a bunny.

There was a girl who liked cheese,
But every time she ate it she would wheeze.
So she stuffed a peincil up her nose,
And drank water out of a hose,
But still she continued to wheeze.
(This was so long)

Ten said...


Friendly people who,
Respects you for who you are.
Ignoring what people say about you.
Enemies shy away from you when you are with them.
Never feeling alone.
Defending you from bullies' taunts
Sharing happiness
(Hmm...Acrostic Poetry...)
One more poem!

Creeping, hunting
And purring in it's owner's lap,
Thinking of yummy fish.

Ten said...

fifteen, for the title, maybe...The Little Girl....or...Carefree...or someting like that...

Anonymous said...


Marshmallows roasted
A bunch of gooey sweetness
Liquefies in your mouth

(Maybe a little help with the title?)

There were two robins
in my backyard.
They built a nest
and lived there, in our Japanese Maple tree
My dad was angry, my mom was scared and me?
I went to look,
saw three eggs.
Lying there, as blue as the sky that day.
Soon the eggs hatched
and the bird family,
and three babies,



In The Night....

As I looked outside,
the WHOOSH - WHOOSH sound of the train disturbed my thought
Drifting away into the night.

Sandhiya said...

(don't really have a title)
What am I?

you fix me up nice
but then i'm broken down again
you'll have to pay a price

people might run into me
and hurt themselves at most
but I stand there protecting you
except maybe from ghosts

I'm tall as tall,I'm pretty thin
I provide privacy
but even though, i'm really strong
you humans keep a key

you slam me when your angry
be careful when you do
you can paint me any colour
I'm always here for you

I dont uderstand...
why people hurt others
why we all want to win
why I hate my sister
why people do crimes and sins

But most of all...
why we're not all one religion
why we have age
why some kids don't have friends
why we all don't beleive in god

I do understand...
why we have rain
why we need school
why i get punished
why we shed tears

Lymerick- (not sure if its my favourite lymerick)


a cow and a moose met
they decided to make a bet
whoever can't cry
while eating some pie
will have to get very wet

so young moosy said to a goose
"there's a wild dog on the loose"
"you better beware"
he'll give you a scare"
then he laughed and drank some juice

then the goose ran up to the cow
who stopped laughing right about now
there's a crazy moose
he's on the loose
now go and hit him-POW!

Ten said...

Nine, maybe...As Blue As The Sky...or Two Little Robins

Fourteen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fourteen said...

I've just realized something...I'm really bad at writing happy poems like lymericks, mine were horrible.

Anonymous said...

this is based on what happened today

your good friend
is now
my enemy
revenge comes

she scar
my face
it is bleeding
i will never
forgive her

Anonymous said...

please help me with my problem. this actually happen.

Fourteen said...



Beneath the rubble


J. Lyons said...

Wow! Some really amazing poems here. Very enjoyable to read. Great work!

Fourteen said...

Woah! Mr.Lyons came on here!!! and he is reading these...0_0

Fourteen said...

Bodies lay sprawled
and worn
On the hills

They were innocent
but not spared
Fighting for the freedom
Of their people

Who can compensate
For the loss

Not me
Not you
and Not even God

eleven said...

Acrostic poems

Victim 1(in the bullies point of view)

I-Is always hiding
T-To scared to come out
I-Is afraid of
M-Me, the "bully"

Victim 2 (in the victims point of view)

V-Vanishing dreams
I-I hope someone will rescue me
C-Calling for help
T-Tattletaling, can't risk it
I-I don't want you to hurt
M-Me anymore

(more to come!)

Ahmed Ga'al said...

This poem is an acrostic poem based on the fact that our generation does not care about our troops or the families that are torn apart. Also the fact that we don't care about remembrance day and talk.

R- remember those fallen soldier's? But you don't care.
E- emotion... no you're too good to stand still and observe two minutes of silence on remembrance day.
M- Mussolini and Hitler who we continually fought and finally defeated
E- each year soldiers dying for our freedom, but you don't care.
M- maybe you should think about the families that were torn apart because of war.
B- but you're too good to stand still for two minutes
E- Emotional yet?
R- remember, on remembrance day, stand still and show some respect.Crying now?
( I need a title if anyone could possibly help with that) Cinquain time
The gleaming stars
isolated from life
but yet I feel oh so content
Free verse
Underneath The Ruble

Hate brewing from kin to kin, Guns in hand
Ammunition strapped around their shoulders
Blood shed on the sandy white beaches
Once were green lush forests stood...
Decaying bodies and shrapenal remain
Parents left dead, and leaving behind orphans
Kids carrying the weight of the world on their backs
The river crying out blood, not blue tears of joy
The birds song no longer heard amid the fighting
People running with purpose, in hope of finding peace
Their cries are heard in vain

Ahmed Ga'al said...

Oh the cruel acts of war
Ruining future generations
Leading them into a dark abyss of endless darkness
Brewing hate in children
Blaming the "enemy"
But after all aren't we all one race
one people
one tribe
one big family
let us hope that we don't forget it

Ahmed Ga'al said...

Feel free to criticize

Fourteen said...

His body falls
and the picture
he holds
falls with him

I picked it up
and saw
a girl and her mother and him
But most of all
I saw happiness
In this world
of destruction

He loved that women
and his daughter
He fought for them
and for his country

But in the opposite trench
A man holds a smoking gun
and staring at the dead man
He just killed

Fourteen said...

Where am I?
there is fear here
But why do these men
wear only a mask of determination
Where am I?

This place reeks of human waste
Where Am I?

"In the trench"
he answers
All stoic and proud
You are fighting the enemy.

I look down at my clohing
ragged and torn
I am fighting the enemy
and for my country

I feel brave
and run over the trench
and blood
course through my veins

I am shot
but not dead
they want me to suffer
and die for my my country

I am humble
and as my eyes close
I say only two words

Peace, brother

Fourteen said...

I have deep respect
For those still fighting
I can see my grave
Here lies...

I don't want
for them to die
and have a grave
just like mine

I feel no anger now
and no pain
and no anger
for the men who shot me

For I know
I fought for my country
and they fought for theirs

Fourteen said...

just made those poems just posed up on the spot but i think they are pretty good. But I still need a title

21 said...

(I made this on the spot)

lollipops taste good
they are rainbows of sugar
lollipops are cool

Fourteen said...

I don't understand
I thought we were friends
We were never supposed
to be fighting
each other

You changed
because of one person's words
You are different
and trying to kill me

Don't be like this
understand that we are friends
Please don't do this

five said...

Harshly thrown
Away beaucse no one
Took any
Time to
Everything you
Did for them

A shimmering craft
Slicing through the air in space
A wonderful view

There was a bird named Randy
She ate lots of candy
And she got so fat that her mother's cat
Tried to bite her friend Mandy

Mandy got really mad
So she tried to call her dad
But if only she'd known
Randy broke her phone
Now she'll just be sad

Randy's mom's cat
doesn't like Mandy 'cause she's not fat
so it cried and cried
until it almost died
and peed on Randy's mat

Randy felt ashamed
for her cat was not tamed
so she bought some fish
and put it in a dish
the cat was finally entertained

Fourteen said...

Poverty strikes
According to Averages
I don't get why
Nameless people are poor

Thirteen said...

Im stuuck on the ceiling
sleeping all the time
but when you come around
then you let me shine

Im there in the morning
Giving you some sight
And when you are tired
there is no more light

Im transparent thing
ive got nothing to hide
but you cant toss me around
or ill lose my insides

You use me all day
And i rest at night
But when the day comes
there is no more light

What am I?

Thirteen said...

There once was a guy named Bob
He went out to find a job
As he went into the street
He stabbed his own feet
and that was the end of Bob

Thirteen said...

My Report Card Poem

Right to peek inside
Envying others
Postive, always
Obeying orders
Ready to lunge

Cannot wait anymore
Argueing on marks
Report on yourself

Anonymous said...

See if you can guess what this is...

Nice, soft and friendly
That's what I am,
I'm stuffed up with kindness,
And my name is Sam.

You get happy and cuddly,
when I am around.
What'd you do with out me?
You'd scream and then shout!

You like hugging me,
Maybe play pretend,
I just feel so happy,
Cause you're my best friend.

You seem to forget me,
When you start to grow,
What about the good times?
Now I'm alonely and cold!

Anonymous said...

B-Bad, blendered monster
U-Us, why, we are the monster
L-Laughing, instead of standing up
L-Loathing, the prey, not the predator
Y-Years go by before the monster dies, finally.

Anonymous said...

A Riddle...

A ball of feathers
A mind of cunning
He's sitting and waiting
Like the fruitcake in the fridge
Never moving, patinence never stops
Beady eyes so sharp
May pierce the target it marks
It dives.

Anonymous said...

I think this is my best poem, but there's still plenty of room for improvment...

I don't understand...

Why we think we are powerful soldiers, when we are grains of sand on an infinate beach
Why love and peace earns a penny, while violence earns a fortune
Why no one takes things into perspective

But most of all...

Why we see with our eyes, and never our hearts
Why people don't fight back when evil decides to knock on other's doors
Why only the children know what they're looking for

What I understand is...

That whirling red bond connecting friends and family
Why every day of childhood will not fail to bring surprises
Why an egg won't show you it's inside unless you decide to crack it open

One said...

L-Layers of calling kids
Y-Yes me a bully

Laying on the curb
People look

The past is a burden
The future is not to know
Now hold my hand
And I will help you
With the journey of life

As the last soldier falls
The cry of loss
Echoes in the night

When life
Was cruel
We held on

I'm open to any suggestions you have and help me with titles please!

One said...

@ fifteen you could make the last line of your girl with red hair poem into
she smiles at me
grinning with pride
her red hair tumbling back

Megan said...

What is the red hair poem about,15?

Fourteen said...

The evil in our hearts
takes over
in the uncertain

The bad in our bodies
will unleash it's power

I we don't stand
with pride
and confidence
We willnever be

Megan said...

The Milkshake Poem

I tried. Craving the last drops
In desperation.
The pain of the empty hollow noise.

(Needs title please suggest)

Megan said...


Fourteen said...

Life is so simle
When youare young
Grow up
Get a steady job
Raise a family
and care

But when you try
to realized those dreams
you realize
Life isn't so simple
and the dreams you had
fade into the background

Megan said...

Astronaut Food
dehydrated colourless
healthy-consumed for months
cooked in a convection oven
dried supplements

DayzeeFLWR said...

there once was a bee in a hole
he wanted to live in ab owl
he tried to escape
but got caught in a cape
but ended up on apole

DayzeeFLWR said...

the bee tried to escape again
but got sqashed by a bunch of men
he cried out in pain
and walked off to spain
and got his wing fixed bya hen

DayzeeFLWR said...

there once was a monster with bins
the bins were all full of limbs
they started to stink
so he dumped them ina sink
and now he's collecting chins

DayzeeFLWR said...


chocolate ice cream
chocolate cake
chocoalte chocolate
(this was a just a random bad poem)

DayzeeFLWR said...

in class im really hungry
my tummies always grumbling
i can't wait for lunch
my favourite part of the day
so i can snack away on my food

twentytwo said...

There once was a very large cabbage
who often called himself pwnage.
Then one day came a moose
who said "you are noob".
But the cabbage still thought he was pwnage.

twentytwo said...

Mealtime on the ISS
No! It's flying away!
Delicious food, in the unknown
We Eat!

twentytwo said...

This poem is about cabbage.
It is green and leafy.
Some say it tastes like garbage.
But I think it's very tasty.
It can be purple or wrinkled.
The cabbage has many relatives.
The names begin with Brassica.
Its brother is broccoli.
Its sister is cauliflower.
Its child is brussel sprouts.
The cabbage's cousin is the mustard.
Ont type called Brassica Juncea.
The cabbage has many more relatives,
too many to name in this poem.
Cabbages are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

this poem is about history. any advice on a title?

he's a
who teaches
from experience
he has
been threw times
we can't
even imagine
things like
living in
to bloody cold
he has heard
history is an ole
wise man
but he's still

Anonymous said...

so much depends upon
a splatter lake of redness
left on the floor

any advice?

Anonymous said...

So much
depends upon
that tall
ancient tree
breathing out
life helping
us thrive
and survive

So much
depends upon
that short
pencil glazed
with hope
I depend
on this
great pencil

So much
depends upon
video games
for entertainment
for me
on the
weekends to
survive school

Any title suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm...... sixteen, maybe "life's supporter" for your first one? And maybe "THE AWESOME PENCIL" for your second one?

oh....And seven, I think your poem's great! Need any help with the title?

Great work guys! I love all your poems!!!

Anonymous said...

So much
depends upon
the joy and giving
of the
red and green
of cheer,presents,
and Santa.

Need help with the title. (As usual)

(And again, title anyone?)

I don't understand...
why ice cream is cold
why there can't be magic
why there is always tomorrow

But most of all...
why we yell
why everyone fights to be first
why nothing is ever perfect
why we do nothing but watch, as the last drop of red becomes useless

What I understand most...
why we have to go where life takes us
why we're friends no matter what
why we always, and always believe.

Anonymous said...

to nine, yeah, i need help with my titles

Anonymous said...

Seven, All I Can think of right now is "lake of redness, lake of redness!" so lake of redness???

Anonymous said...

Or maybe.... remains of red?

Anonymous said...

im talking about blood for the redness.

Anonymous said...

how about my poem about history

Anonymous said...

It's really hard to think of title for war and blood poems. Don't you think so? Maybe " Teacher of war, or his history" something like that...

Anonymous said...

mr lyons said that it was too explicit

Anonymous said...

the i don't understand poem should be call i don't understand shouldn't it

Anonymous said...

Then I don't Know....
By the way, Since our names are numbers,I have no idea who anyone is. (except for a few.)

Anonymous said...

some of my haiku on colour

looking up there is
the blue paint splattering the sky
having life and peace

forgive and forget
the red splatter on the floor
her life has ended

twenty-four said...

So much depends upon poems

So much
depends upon
those blue
suede shoes
caked in mud
solemly lying
in the closet

(needs advice)

Anonymous said...

24, you have 17 words

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Plastic bag

Do you ever feel
You can't reach anywhere
Soaring through the sky
Wanting to start again

Do you ever know
You will never land
You will float off
Never to be seen

Do you ever think
The world is only that big
Fling around
Crashing into buildings

Did you ever see
All your fellow mates
Trapped in the fill
never dieing out

Anonymous said...

A River Ran Wild

A river ran wild
Between the pebbles
Under the trees
Under the sky


I knew a boy
I watched as he grew up
He built a factory on me
Polluted my water


The sky is grey
The water is grey
There is nothing that is not grey


The water ran out
His factory shut down
He moved away


Before he went
He patted my back
‘I’m sorry’ he said
And he walked away
Before he disappeared
He looked at me once more
He sighed
And went on his way

The river never ran wild again
The pebbles stuck there
covered in dust

Anonymous said...

Is that really your poem seventeen? Cool. I think you should maybe change the end a bit, just the last line.

ninteen said...

Here are some of my space Haikus...

Shooting out of space
with smoke blasting out to us
so grey like dark clouds

You look up and see
a tiny dot escaping
like a shooting star

Anonymous said...

So much depends upon
Loyal dog
Caring for
No matter what
To it

So much depends upon
A book
With all the
You will need
To be

So much depends upon
Making our
Free and wild
Running around

Please help me improve my poems.Sorry if I got it a little late.)

Anonymous said...

We might have drifted off
We might have slept forever
Earth fades in out eyes

Anonymous said...

Thanks, nine.

Anonymous said...

Which MP3

Mark can ‘t choose between
A red or blue Mp3
So he gave Eric a call
And told him to come to the mall
Eric told him green is awesome get green

Mark was sad
He thought green looked bad
It was rather blue or red
Or he will go to bed
So mark called his dad

Green is good
Son, you understood
Just get green
There is no difference between
Now Mark is in a really bad mood

(I don't really like it right now... help!)

ninteen said...

I'm crouching in your kitchen
as still as one can be
Expecting you to turn me on
and make your hands look clean

My neck's made out of metal
that act like eyes so round
along with 2 turning wheels
that makes me cold or hot

You stare at meand let me cry
so roaring loud with plea
that place that was so quiet
is as loud as it could be

Drip,drip,drip and splashing sound
are the special sounds I make
No one imitates better than me
except the nearby lake

(please give me some ideas and a title...please)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nineteen, I really like your poem.Cool!

ninteen said...

So much depends upon...

A red river
Flowing down
The narrow
Valley above
The clear
Blue sky
Across the
Deserted land

A girl
Wlaking across
The narrow
red river
With her
Knees covered
With mud
And laughter

A house
surrounded with
purple flowers
and a
grey roof
splattered with
rain, sadness
and hope

A heart
filled with
love, caring
for the
ones lost
breathing for
the ones
so loved

A tree
in the
moonlight shaking
quivering with
fear of
those in
the sun

The bright
sun shining
down on
the grass
with dew
sparkling beyond
the darkness
in me

(tell me which is best and how to improve)

Ahmed Ga'al said...

I don't understand why everyone is just a number in our world
Why people don't show any compassion anymore
I don't understand why poverty is just a "Number" that we can't fix
Why we have become selfish, greedy, computer loving monsters
Why we can't spare change for charity
Or why we can't donate food to the needy
We feel as if we can't accomplish anything and that we can't fix poverty or homelessness...
But we can
If everyone in Canada gave just one dollar to Unicef or Free the children or the united way food bank
Our voices would be heard
loud and clear
from coast to coast
across the globe
so speak now
let our voices be heard (made this up on the spot)

four said...

Simple Definitions

Pink- The last flower petal before winter


Water blobs floating
As we are leaving the earth
I am so nervous

So Much Depends Upon…

So much
Upon the first
After the harsh
Winter, to
Tell that
Spring’s here

Fourteen said...

How can you be sure
When you sing
to the heavens
your voice is heard

It takes a leap of faith
and a whole lot
of belief
in God

But if he heard us
Wouldn't he have fixed
all our problems
and all our faults

The future is in our hands
We decide
It's our lives
and our world

(made it up on the sopt)

One said...

hey seventeen the first stanza of your plastic bag poem is almost firework

One said...

(help with titles)
so much depends upon
the cold winter wind
leaving the last leaf

so much depends upon
the small piece of paper
with little printed letters
which control your lifes path

five said...

one, I like your poems. Maybe you could make the title of the first poem something like Cold Winter Winds or something

four said...

Need help with titles plox

Ten said...


Here, five syllables.
Oh, so you want seven more.
Fine, but here is five.

(So random)

One said...

hey ten i like the funk factor of your syllables poem

Ten said...

Thanks! I got the idea from a book...

Ten said...

So much depends upon poems
(No copying!)

So much
Depends upon
An inspired
Artist, whose
Flowing brush
Sweeps over
A canvas,
Inspiring others.

Do much depends upon,
Of a windsheild wiper,
Wiping away slushy snow.
(This one was random...)

20 said...


Japanese culture
manga and anime too
including haiku


Haiku is Japanese so to appreciate it I wrote it about Japn and even google translated it to Japanese.

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