Monday, November 29, 2010

Poll Results - Nov. 29

Monday, November 29, 2010
Have you ever stolen something?

Yes - (100% - Winner)

No - (No votes)

Your thoughts...


Ahmed Ga'al said...

Every one has stolen something. But I am wondering who was stolen money? I have stolen food from my sister or her mp3, but not money. I wonder how many people have stolen from a store or stolen money.

five said...

I've never stolen money before. I stole my sisters candy and I steal her toys and hide them but I've never stolen money.

Megan said...

Has anyone ever stolen from a store? I bet everyone stole money of something they wanted from their parents or sibilings.

Megan said...

has stolen a bunch of different things

Eight said...

I've stolen money from my mom's wallet and stole bubblegum from a store... 2 years ago. So, now that I know what will happen, I'm going clean. Take me away officers!

Anonymous said...

that is a lie not everyone has stolen money just because you have

fifteen said...

I'd never steal from a store, but I steal from family members sometimes....

Anonymous said...

Ido the same thing as fifteen

Anonymous said...

I think i stole from Andy before(dog)...a lollipop... it's not that humans can't eat it, it was milked favored!

Fourteen said...

I stole like stuff from my sister that I got busted for.

One said...

i guess we have all stolen somthing but not somthing very important

21 said...

I have stolen my sister's ipod touch loads of times, but never from a store.

Ten said...

hmm...I "stole" a few blankets from my little brother before...I got caught, but didn't get punished...I got scolded though...

twentytwo said...

Wow everyone's so honest!

eleven said...

i've stole from my sis loads of times

five said...

me too

Megan said...

i steal from parents

21 said...

same, to the stealing form sister comment not the parents one

Anonymous said...

Two, YOU STEAL FROM YOUR parents??? gee whiz...

Ten said...

Hmm..maybe she now realises that it was wrong and that noone should steal unless it is to survive. :) (Blah, that sounded weird.)

Fourteen said...

I used to steal stuff from my sister like gel pens and construction paper(when i was little), but I always got caught.

21 said...

oh, i also used to steal teddy bears from my sister

20 said...

Stealing is act against society and is DISHONORABLE!!!!!!!!!

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